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The main focus in 0.11 will be on Rebecca. Also there will be an update for Janice (several new scenes).

I'm not making a voting poll this time because last poll's results were pretty close. So I think it would be fair to dedicate this update for Rebecca.

Also I would like to know which current scene you would like see updated.  So please feel free, tell your ideas in comments.



TV scene dinning room


Julia's whirlpool scene needs an update.


Getting rid of scenes of Billy doing anything with Jason's family. This includes selling videos, underwear and etc. Only allow Billy to give advice to Jason.


Anon, I don't use cheats. So, playing the game normally.. still only allow Billy to give advice.


I agree with everyone so far.. <3 :D CHEERS


Although I'm sure you already have plans for this with Emma, I would like to see an expansion of her while she's wearing the lingerie you introduced in 0.10.


Damn. The question was what CURRENT scene would you like to see updated. Not give me all of your wishlists. Let the creator create.


As to current scene updated, how about finishing the scene where Jason sits next to Julia while she's having coffee?


There is an old "bug" of sorts. It really doesn't effect game play, but when Emma is exercising, and the player zooms in, the camera shifts to top dead center above of the characters. This happens when Jason first helps Emma, and again when they switch to the sit-ups routine. As I said, it doesn't effect play, but the player does have to rotate the camera for a better view in both cases.


That scene didn't meant to end up with H-scene. It was just a part of the plot.


really KsT if you could add option to all H-scenes would be awesome, doesn't matter which one. Just option to do it raw or not, and cum inside or not - without getting the girl angry for it, that would be heaven.


Hi!! how can i get in an realitionship with Emma? I can only mowing the lawn but there is no window for her?!


You need to do the "talking" part. Check walkthrough 16-21,25-26 steps