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(español abajo)

It has been a very intense week as I am ironing out the little things pending in the core. They are little, but they are the toughest ones!

The only worrying one is Gigawing because, in a couple of scenes, there is a moment when the SDRAM fails to deliver all the sprites, and some lines show glitches.

As some people reported that Progear was too slow, I have disabled the CPS-A chip DMA. This will speed up the game a bit. I don't plan to measure that DMA signal on board for at least two more weeks. Please, bear with me.

All the games for this week require 64MB or more of SDRAM, so I have not compiled versions for MiST/SiDi this time. There are still three compatible titles pending, but I don't have them ready yet.

Please do not distribute the file; it is meant for beta testing purposes. 


Ha sido una semana muy intensa ya que estoy arreglando los pequeños detalles pendientes en el cor. Son pequeños, ¡pero son los peores!

El único preocupante está en Gigawing porque, en un par de escenas, hay un momento en el que la SDRAM no entrega todos los sprites y algunas líneas se entrecortan.

Como algunas personas informaron que Progear iba demasiado lento, he desactivado el chip DMA CPS-A. Esto acelerará un poco el juego. No planeo medir esa señal DMA en la placa durante al menos dos semanas más.

Todos los juegos de esta semana requieren 64 MB o más de SDRAM, por lo que esta vez no he compilado versiones para MiST / SiDi. Todavía hay tres títulos compatibles pendientes, pero aun no los tengo listos.

No distribuyas el archivo por favor; es sólo para prueba beta de patrones.



Jason Smith

Thanks for this awesome update. Quick question has anyone else been having issues with the MAME roms not downloading for the last 3 patches? I have had to find the ROMS even though im running update_all.

Jack C

I thought you always had to download the roms. Was unaware Update_all downloaded roms for core that hasn't been released to the public yet.

Robin Cort

Marvel vs street fighter is Amazing. Thank you JT. Not had any past history with the others this time but wow this core is going from strength to strength. Hard to believe it is still only beta.