CPS Public Release (Patreon)
(español abajo)
One week after publishing the release candidate version, I am finally bringing CPS to the light. Code source is available here. Binary files are now in the jtbin repository and can be obtained with my update script (MiSTer) or manually downloading them for MiST/SiDi users. MRA files are in the same location.
There are a couple of small things to check in the core but I think this is mature enough now for a broader audience. If you already had the RC version, this public version is the same except with better CRT support.
Discord note, if you had problems connecting to discord, please delete Patreon discord authorization and then reconnect it again. There was a problem with the Patreon bot in Discord that should be fixed now.
Thank you for your support during the development. It has been quite an exciting time! Looking ahead, apart from the obvious continuation of work on CAPCOM cores (CPS 1.5/2 and CPS0), I have other things in preparation such as some Konami 8-bit titles, improve sound support on some computer cores and maybe a couple of small dinosaurs in a bubble.
Tras una semana de pruebas, la version RC pasa a ser la version pública. Tan solo con una pequeña mejora en el soporte de monitores CRT. Los binarios estan en jtbin y el codigo fuente aqui.
Gracias por vuestro apoyo durante el desarrollo. Han sido unas semanas muy emocionantes. No os vayáis muy lejos porque hay cosas jugosas de camino: aparte de seguir convirtiendo toda la juegoteca de CAPCOM, estoy preparando algunos titulos de 8 bits de Konami, mirando como mejorar el sonido de algunos ordenadores y quizas como meter monstruitos en burbujas.