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Welcome to another Friday update. This time we have a public release: Legendary Wings and SectionZ are now public (source code). RBF files can be obtained via the jotego MiSTer updater. For Sidi and MiST I have attached them here. MRA are only available here.

Legendary Wings is a vertical game based on the Section Z hardware but with the Z80 set to 6MHz instead of 3MHz. Both games have very nice music so please don't miss it. Use sectionz.rbf for both games. Just different MRA.

Please update the RBF file if you have the version from Monday. The yellow colour bug is fixed now.




Carl Hagström

Hi Jotego, a lot of the games does not work with the scan doubler enabled for 31 khz screen connected over vga to to the IO board, unless you set direct video to true. The problem with setting direct video to true is that you cannot use the HDMI port so you can not have CRT and HDMI simultaneously. All console cores work over VGA with the IO board without direct video = 1 and also your ghost's and goblin's core for some reason. Could it be something with sys that differs between your cores?


Hi Carl, There is a GnG core in the official MiSTer repository which is and old version of my core but has the latest framework. I don't support or update that one. Nor does Sorgelig support or update my official GnG core. I use the official MiSTer sys but I only update it every few months. Updating the framework has always been hard because the framework is not documented, is not prepared for simulation and it usually has some timing issues. So I have to fix these things after updating plus understanding how they interconnect things. I think the situation will improve as Sorgelig created a template repository that could serve as a central repository for the framework. I hope that way external developers like me will be able to grab the latest one and request to have their changes merged in it too. I am not affiliated with the MiSTer project, I develop cores that currently run on 6 different platforms. So my priority is to create cores not to maintain the MiSTer framework.

Carl Hagström

OK, fair enough. Keep up the great work :)