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New Games

JTSHOUSE core (beta) gets support for the action puzzle game Rompers and the action shooting game Bakutotsu Kijutei this week. These were the final two games pending on this core.

Rompers released by Namco in 1989. The aim is for the main character, Chap, to get into a demon-controlled labyrinth to save his girlfriend, kidnapped by the devil. Each stage is like a maze. When you collect all of the multiple keys scattered throughout the stage, you will progress to the next stage. The stone walls can be knocked down to defeat enemies.

Bakutotsu Kijutei released only in Japan, is the sequel to Baraduke (renamed Alien Sector), which was released three years earlier. The difference with Baradukes is that the main character can not swing backwards, so he must always fight around to the enemy's left. The peace races, the 'one-eyed Paccet' white and yellow , which continue to appear in the previous game, are the player's allies. But the black one is an enemy, so be careful!

Bug Fixes

  • Hyper sports sounds garbled #516

  • Strange sounds in some JTSHOUSE games #641

  • Noise in Renegade #709

  • The Simpsons: extra pixel in some sprites #707

Other Tasks

We continue working on the System 18 core, for which we have preliminary support for the gun game Laser Ghost. The game has a built-in compensation for the gun aim which will require the inverse compensation to be done by the core in order to make it playable using accurate devices (such as a mouse).



Justin Cherriman

Hi thanks for adding the new games, however incompatible signals for CRT TV cause games like Shadow Dancer and Alien Storm to not display correctly. Only affects Sega System 18. All other Sega cores are OK.


Hellooooo After last update bubble Bobble is not working anymore . It start with half screen White and Can hear music of brginning and rank level music. I run Matt Pannella auto updater. Maybe rom has changed ? 🤔