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Yesterday was my birthday! I turned 28 years old. It's like 18 only 10 years older)

  At the age of 18, I thought that at the age of 28 I would definitely be an adult married woman with two children, with a serious job, and an apartment somewhere in Kyiv. But in fact I don't have any of this) And you know, I'm very happy that I can't put a tick under any of these points. Although no, one point makes me a little sad - I would really like to have an apartment somewhere in Kyiv) But I will still have time somehow.

How do I feel about this?

Now I look in the mirror and finally see a woman - not a girl, but a woman. I see a deep look - cheerful and at the same time a little sad, a formed body, small mimic wrinkles near the eyes from a smile and wrinkles on the forehead - from sadness and surprise, I see a gray hair that unforgivingly settled in me directly in the first rows of my hairstyle and I from that so nice) I feel my changes from the outside and inside and I am so excited about these changes. And let me not have that fulfilled plan at the age of 28, but I am happy about the changes that finally happened to me, thanks to which I learned to experience life.

And yes, I feel that I have become more sincere and open, understood my value and actually have a life that almost completely satisfies me now.

The last couple of days before my 28th birthday, I was overcome with melancholy, I didn't want to celebrate or plan this day at all, I wanted to spend it alone in the forest - listening to the birds, rustling the fallen yellow-crimson leaves and drowning in my thoughts. Well - there was a forest, but not alone, but with people close to me. It was my first walk in the forest in the rain - and it's something incredible. I don't know why, but more and more often I start to think that I am alone and that all these people around me are not close to me, that they are not sincere or ready to support me - and every time the universe shows me through some negative or positive events ( be it the death of a loved one or a birthday) of those people who can and want to be with me both in grief and in joy, and my existence is something important for them. Why I feel so sad from the feeling of loneliness I can't understand. Is it from a recent loss and the feeling of emptiness from it, or is it from the loss of the meaning of being, and the meaning of building communications with people, or maybe I am so unbearable and boring that I can't stand myself? I will investigate. In the meantime, I hug you all and I am grateful to each of you that you are here



Wonder Andy

Late happy birthday and thank you for your amazingly beautiful and interesting shots and the thought-provoking text again. Knowing you have such feelings too makes me feel more like a normal human being at a time when it's all too easy to feel faulty and succumb to self-blame. It's easier to assess the situation of another than the same on yourself. It's definitely good to keep investigating and learning and being grateful for things that bring you joy. Being able to share this with someone in any shape or form to me is some of the most meaningful things in life. To me your work is a large part of this process. Thank you again. Wishing you tranquile and possibly good, curious and creative vibes as circumstances allow.