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when I choose shootings with my muses to show you - I get very upset. Over the past six months, I have had about three shootings that I consider successful - everything else looks like nothing to me. You will say that I am too critical of myself - but damn, I can see the difference. And it is interesting that in almost all shootings I feel inspired, and the result is as if I was forced to shoot. I don't know if I should show you everything (I discredit myself as a photographer to the maximum.

+ yesterday I tried to conduct a full-fledged self-portrait video recording It was my most meditative state and at the same time sad. I am going back to Kyiv very soon, and this apartment and the scenery have become so familiar to me. I shot a lot - I just need to find time to edit everything

I hug everyone 🤗




Big hugs Julia - looking forward seeing your new shoots in your apartment then ;)

Tim Poprdan

I wouldn't overly concern yourself about how you feel about the results of your shoots. Every photog is his or her own worst critic. Every photog probably thinks they've captured the next Pulitzer prize worthy image every now and then. And every photog wants to throw the towel in after seeing the results of their efforts. Now, I am no great photographer. I am a hobbyist with a lot of pro gear, that's how I describe myself. Every now and then I would look at the back of the camera and think, WOW!!! At least every now and then back when I was actually using that gear (I have had fibro since 2014 ish and cannot physically or mentally create any longer). Sometimes, even after I had transferred the image on to hard drive I would still be impressed. Then having processed the image and uploaded wherever, I would hate it!!! And in that moment I'd think, why do I even bother? I automatically forgot all those images I created previously that I love. We see what is in front of us and forget the rest....possibly! Now, if you look back through your previous work you will see some absolutely amazing images. We all see them. Your work is appreciated and liked by some pretty amazing photographers too, so it can't be all that bad, can it? Is it possible that you are expecting the shoots to turn out less than what you imagined? You could be putting too much pressure on yourself to produce the thing you had in your head originally, then getting down on yourself when it doesn't turn out that way. Hell, what do I know? You've had a pretty tumultuous year and a half, with more upheaval and change on the near horizon, you could be forgiven for being off your game, IF off your game you really are, which I doubt! Anyway, keep on keeping on....and now, 10 hours after I began this essay and getting distracted, I can finally post it! 😆😆😆


Your essay is beautiful) Now I do not feel that I am writing too much - I feel the exchange) And the words are exactly what is needed. thank you