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25.12 is Catholic Christmas) I congratulate all Catholics on this holiday!

I am not a master of greetings, especially on religious holidays. But I just wish you to spend this day with the people closest to you - hug them and tell them how much you love them)

It's no secret that Ukraine celebrates Christmas on January 7. And for the first time, I will celebrate it not with my family, but alone. Yes, I have a sister and a cat here, but I always associate this holiday with a large family gathering at the same table. And I don't even like the family dinner more, but the preparation for it.

The day before, January 6, the Holy Supper - children bring dinner to their parents and godparents. It was absolutely necessary to bring kalach (braided bread in the shape of a ring). And it became a family tradition for us to sculpt dumplings for the Holy Supper. In the morning, all the women of our immediate family circle gathered in one house, sang Christmas carols and made dumplings. and already in the evening - January 6 - we always gathered at the eldest father - grandfather - for dinner.

And already on January 7, I, with my friends, little nephews and cousins, made a small nativity scene and went from house to house to sing Christmas carols and congratulate everyone on the holiday.

This year it will not be like that. This year, I don't want to make dumplings, cook kutyu (a national Christmas dish) and even more so sing carols - because the most important thing in this holiday - family is not around.

Don't think that I'm crying for you here) and I don't expect words of encouragement from you. Now I am getting a new experience - for the first time, New Year's holidays alone with my own thoughts and with positive temperatures in the yard. Maybe this just saves me from sadness. For me, it's still autumn outside in Spain. And my head is a little confused - it's not cold yet, there's no snow and frost, but it's already Christmas and New Year.




2022 is a difficult year for you. You must have experienced a lot in this year. I think there are many bad things I have never experienced, but you must have grown up after coming here. This must be an unforgettable year in your life. You are really amazing! I will continue to support you in the new year. Happy New Year!

B. Fry

@juliaslip_nu, these are beautiful. I'm a new subscriber to your Patreon, although I've admired your beauty through other photographers for some time. Do you retouch your images? You have gorgeous skin!


Nice to meet you Brian) Thank you for youe support. No i dont do retouch on my photos only colorcorrection