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Today I turned 27.

For the first time in 7 years, I celebrate this day together with my parents and relatives. The war creates its own corrections and you no longer think about a happy birthday, but how to spend as much time as possible with your relatives, because you do not know when you will have the opportunity to see each other again.

But surprisingly, right here in the village, I do not feel the war. I don't feel like reading the news, there are no sirens, there are no bomb shelters, and I only saw a plane once (I hope it was ours).... There is absolutely no anxiety in the air.

I woke up at 7 in the morning and went to the hill near the house to meet the sun. I cried for half an hour, meditated, then thanked the universe that everything turned out the way it is (everyone is alive and well, with a roof over their heads, and with "food in their bosoms") and went to hug my relatives. These are the people who helped and supported me when it was necessary, made me who I am, and I am very grateful to them for that.

Hug your loved ones today and tell them how much you love them.




Per molts anys, as they say in Catalonia

Tung Li

Happy birthday to you!!! Hope you have a lovely time with your family💙💛