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I procrastinated in my bed for two weeks, sometimes distracting myself by eating. I couldn't force myself to do anything, even the trivial thing of going to the sea (which I never refuse). And finally I came out of this state. And my friend who came to Barcelona for a couple of days helped me. It was enough to just get my ass out of bed and go outside with someone I know and can talk to (I don't have many people like that in Spain). I feel such a rush of energy, inspiration and joy. And it seemed just a walk...

Finally, a pleasant coolness has begun in Spain) All this time that I have been here, I did not notice how much this city has become "native" to me. I still don't speak Spanish (only certain phrases and certain topics), I still haven't been to the Sagrada and all the tourist cities, I haven't tried churros... when I return to Ukraine, no one will believe that I was in Barcelona :) But Barcelona will always remain in me. And I can't even explain what exactly attracts me in this city.

And in the photo you can see my attempts to take pictures with a wet cloth)

And yes i always sad in my portraits  and dont know why/



Arsene Lupin

Absolutely gorgeous…


Теперь стало понятно, что лучшая одежда для тебя, это белая, мокрая, льняная ) найс, спасибо за приятные ощущения ) також, слава україні !