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I have a dilemma. I want to return to Kyiv in October and stay there and go abroad only for my exhibitions and shootings. But from the first of October, all women who have a specialty related to the military must register for the military and, if a summons comes, go to defend their country. On the one hand, I support this law if a woman is a doctor, those women who really worked in the military field or I can still understand the chemical specialty... But how can a woman architect who has worked in the photo industry all her life (as an administrator, content manager, curator in photo school, photographer)? - this is me about myself if anything). It seems to me that all possible professions are listed in that list of related professions.

I don't know what to do now. Because if I return (in this list I am conscripted), then I can not leave the country if I need to. + knowing myself, I will definitely be useless at the front.

For example, I will tell you a situation from my childhood, when I realized that quick reaction in emergency situations is not about me) All children played snowballs in the winter - I am no exception. But I almost never hit my friends, and when I saw a snowball flying at me, instead of jumping in the other direction, I hit the snowball... And because I couldn't fix it, I just stopped playing, because everyone laughed. I was the first to be picked up by my mother because I was covered in snow and my clothes were completely wet.




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