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I have a question for you. Why is dental treatment so expensive? I'm honestly just shocked by the prices. I knew that these services are expensive in Europe... But damn it, even with a minimum wage, a person cannot afford to treat a tooth... he has to borrow money from a bank. Yes, in Ukraine this is not a cheap pleasure either, but we have state clinics where you can get treated for free.

In general, my tooth began to hurt and I realized that I needed to remove the nerve. I understand that this is not cheap, I was advised a good, inexpensive clinic .... But damn it, it costs like renting an apartment in which I now live in Spain. Well, yes, they rent it to me at a super low price like a Ukrainian ... but how can it be so expensive at all?

P.S. Thanks for reading - I had to share




My friend from Los Angeles flies once a year to Poland to the dentist. It’s cheaper for him to fly there, get a hotel, fix his teeth, and get back. Insane.

Wonder Andy

Up here in the Nordics we have the expensive private clinics if you want to skip the queue or get something extra done, but public healthcare covers basic dental stuff that is needed for a normal healthy life. Of course it requires you to have some sort of a legal status here, but I'm not sure exactly what kind. I think asylum seekers are typically covered once registered. Then again summers are short and winters long and dark, so it's not a pure win to live here either.