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I'm all right. I finally received some of the documents - a work permit and temporary protection in Spain. It remains to make a plastic passport of an EU resident (if I called her correctly). I finally went to the sea - sunbathed in the sun and swam in the sea. I have dealt with the transport system and am no longer afraid to go somewhere alone. My cat received the first dose of vaccinations and a passport (soon the second dose and I will be able to fly with her on the plane). Everything is just wonderful. But I miss my past life and Ukraine so much.

Surprisingly, a week before the war, friends came to visit me and we had fun discussing Putin's crazy speeches, possible options for how things would turn out, and what to do if there was a war. And I said in all seriousness: that it would be a great opportunity to emigrate and settle in another country: the one you dreamed of. We do not always understand how good we are where we are and constantly think (sometimes dream) about the "best" places.

I never dreamed of leaving Ukraine for good. Of course, I was not very attracted to winter in my country - I love the heat and the sea. But I did not think to change my place of residence at all.

I never understood people who wanted to emigrate to places where they had never been. Because there seem to be better minds, as if someone there said that there is a good salary and so on.

In my opinion, to understand where you really want to settle, you need to travel a lot and stay in the cities not for 1-3 days a week, but for at least 3 months. Maybe then you will be able to understand at least a little whether you are comfortable in this country, whether you like to see the pros and cons.

Maybe after I visit all corners of our planet - I want to move somewhere completely: but for now Ukraine is in my heart




I'm glad you're good, and safe :D For countries if you're planning a move, i recommend Canada. We're generally pretty friendly.

Wonder Andy

Your story, even if everything is going well considering the circumstances, is just heartbreaking. Such humongous injustice is taking place, there is no way to rationalize such crimes against humanity. The pics are amazing and your muse is so radiant with her energy. They way you capture it, it's almost as if I can sense her personality from the vibes of this shoot alone. You capture different moods, facial expressions, lights and colors to show a wide spectrum of who she is. Pictures can be deceiving, but your style has always been so natural and honest, I feel it gives more depth to your work and makes it interesting. Much more so than some generically pretty, heavily post-processed shots the social media and commercial publications mostly are. Seeing your work is always such an immense inspiration to become a better photographer