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I never looked for friends.

Even as a kid, when you're really young and it's normal to walk up to someone on the playground and say "let's be friends"... even then I didn't do that. I always wanted to do this, but I was extremely shy.

Kindergarten, school, university - all this time someone else initiated communication with me and offered friendship.

I have already ceased to be so shy, but it is very difficult to see or hear from me the initiative - this is a rarity.

And yesterday I realized why I do not initiate friendship.

Have you ever felt a sense of kinship with the person with whom you communicate for the first time? With whom you are you and you don't want to be anyone else. You feel complete acceptance and you yourself accept the opponent from head to toe (even though you only know each other's names).

Actually, it only started to happen to me as an adult. I began to realize that a friend is a special person with whom a connection occurs on a spiritual level, and not just because you have a common cause, you sit at the same desk, you live next door and the like.

And yesterday, at the age of 26, I began for the first time to initiate communication with people with whom I feel this connection. I'm not afraid - because I feel acceptance of myself on their part ... maybe it just seems to me and everything is really not like that, but there is no fear at all)




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Murat Yasar

We see in this shots you become more free