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So, it's time to tell about light.

For a very long time, I believed that the best light is direct light - when the model is standing in front of a window and the photographer is shooting her from the side of that window. The light is soft, softens the skin and removes unnecessary shadows.

When I started shooting a naked body, I realized that this is the most boring version of the light. In order to find interesting solutions, I had to observe others a lot. How the overhead light falls on a person (for example, from a dormer window) - in this example, there can be at least three options for the location of the model relative to the light source - behind the window, under the window and in front of the window. In all these three options, the output picture will be completely different. And there is also the option of diffused light from the window and direct rays in sunny weather.

So - I observe a lot everything that happens around me and analyze the photographs of other photographers. Therefore, when I go to the location where I plan to shoot, I already see the amount, direction, brightness of the light and, accordingly, I approximately understand what the result will be.

The only thing I haven't learned to work with is light in a bright room.

PS and don't forget I see everything that happens in the frame by mobile app - I can move in the frame and see how the light falls on the body.




Brilliant and great pics👀✔️👀✔️