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instagram :  @levvvina_

My family knows that I am a photographer. They like the way I shoot. But no one except my mother and sister knows that I am filming a naked body. And the more they don’t know that I photograph myself naked.

So recently I spoke with my aunt, whom I love very much) And I decided to finally share what I am doing now and what I love ... and as a result, she did not understand me. I heard only shock and disappointment in her voice. And I felt sad.

I am sad that I cannot share with the most dear people what I love, what I like to do ... I cannot share what I live now.



Murat Yasar

That’s sad dear yes. It’s another generation : it’s difficult for your aunt to understand, accept that you show and photograph naked body. How the old and new generation look at body have changed a lot. There’s also the Christian shame of body. She may also not understand yet it’s an artistic work. May be she needs time. But your close friends and us we appreciate your art and we love you - as you are. Thanks for sharing

Murat Yasar

Next time you talk with your aunt I think you should compare your work with the painters. They painted naked body but also they did self-portraits. What the difference ? Any. Show her naked body paintings and your photos again - specially the ones you post a few days ago. I’m sure your aunt will finally understand and appreciate as she should your art.