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Claudio Capanna

I finally remembered and felt how exciting it is not to see those people you don't want to see (even if they are your best friends), how exciting it is to cancel upcoming upcoming plans because I just feel that way now, how wonderful it is to turn on the phone to "do not disturb" mode and feel peace at last.

Today I found out that I have to go to the village again to help my mother - and you know, I feel such bliss) I want to go there as soon as possible. I am sure that this state in which I am now will multiply in sensations several times there.

I had a very interesting experience the day before yesterday. Planned to cook dinner together with friends. And it turned out that after 10 minutes I was already lying on their couch and her husband was conducting a rape ceremony and a shallow hypnosis session for me to help me process my request... I just went to chat and have dinner together - honestly. And it turned out so interesting. And if anyone is interested, this all helped - a lot. I feel better and it seems to me that I have finally let go of one traumatic situation in my life




It’s amazing how life will serve up the people and processes you need right when you are truly ready for them! Congrats on this beautiful healing work and on having such a positive and free way of walking through life, it’s great to see, even if from such a distance👌🏼

Thomas Pope

I love these pictures! Nice work