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i cant beliieve we've already reached the first goal.. its got me super encouraged for this patreon--i wasnt really expecting it 

next month ill be picking up that light board, and boy im excited for it

besides helping me Immensely with my school work, its also gonna super help me with my illustrations. ill be able to manipulate them more and create fun variations..... which is kinda of ideal for comics  👀 

also going to make painting cels easier, as ill be able to get nice even coats!! SWEET.  

overall my life is made easier, and im super greatful, Thank You!



Glad to be of help, great that you reached your first goal so soon :D


Congratulations on reaching your first goal so quickly! I'm proud to be a part of the people helping you ♡


Grats! Here's hoping you hit $100 and beyond :)


Congrats ~ I really hope you get more people backing over time. Your art is super cool and really happy to be contributing c: