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wondering if i should go back to uploading things individually to give this place more life.. it probably doesnt look great from an outside perspective to only see sporadic updates.

anyway heres a commission i colored today!



Kay Fedewa

I have been mulling over the same question on my own Patreon. I took and poll and folks mostly wanted all work from a week rolled into a weekly update. cute piece!!

Kiing Darius

I think it's worth considering, the main reason many people shifted away from that format was content scrapers re-uploading their content though. I'd suggest posting crops of the content with a reminder to join the discord for access. Kind of the best of both worlds in that way.


yknow, after yiffparty died i completely forgot about content scrapers, but after spending 2 minutes looking i found the replacement and my whole patreon is scraped lol. i guess these people were never going to support me anyway. i feel bad telling people to use a whole other platform as the only way to be able to view my things, because patreon is admittedly easier to scroll through. idk what ill do


aw thanks kay!! yeah its something im thinking about, might do individual posts for awhile and see how it feels and cut back if i think i should. back when i was posting individually i got way more engagement here