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this is a little out of the blue but i was just thinking today about how cool this patreon is, and how amazing it is that you guys support me.. like honestly you guys have kept me afloat through college! i live fairly low cost right now, but with how busy i can be with class, there have been times where i just didnt have the time or energy to take commissions, and without the patreon payments i would have been far more stressed than I am.

besides the financial support, i also love that i get to make and ship out fun items for you guys every month. i know i can be a bit slow, but i really do enjoy making stickers and prints--its something that i absolutely could not do without your support. i hope everyone enjoys them as much as i do! 

im going to be graduating next spring and im very much looking forward to that haha ive decided to try working as an artist online full time once i get out,,which is very exciting!! i honestly cant wait. im going to have so much more time to dedicate to art, patreon, and commission work and thats one of the top things that keeps me excited and eager for the near future (school is rough yall).

thank you once more, and i look forward to sharing future stuff with you <33 



Hey I'm glad to toss a couple bucks at someone I actually truly enjoy rather than like....get a happy meal or two(?) a month. You deserve it (: