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first two pages are one scene, last three are a different scene. very important conversation.

ive been working on a comic on the side for some months now. this is "tony and dean yap (and eventually fuck): the comic". if you read and enjoyed that short story i wrote awhile back, i think youll like this

i cant remember how much ive said about it but ive decided its a must that i draft the whole thing before committing to a final so that i can iron out the bulk of the kinks. currently at 77 pages, and i think itll be around 120 when its done. i think if i do this itll really help me ground the project so it doesnt surprise me or hang me up down the line. i like being able to work it all out behind the scenes



Tobias Wulf

Oh, I'm loving their interactions here. And yeah, it would be best to draft out the whole comic before working on it. I know a few folks who have their whole comics written/planned out beforehand and it shows in a good way. Just like the with the flipside, it can certainly show if someone is winging it as they go on a comic.

Zevon Roo

I love this