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Should Tianyi go to another timeline or return to the main one?

Yes is new timeline

No is return to main timeline

End Result: No won, so Tianyi will return to the main timeline



go to another timeline, more timeline more fun


which one is returning to the main one ? yes or no?


I'm assuming NO means go back, YES means another timeline? I kinda prefer the old timeline, unless it's a short trip, i.e 2-3 chaps, no more.


I guess NO. "Another timeline?" NO - no other timeline. YES - another timeline ?

Caleb Bear

What if he uses his experience with this timeline to create and send out spirit avatars to explore other timelines, find and bring back resources, and advance his understanding of not just spacetime but the multiverse? He could also discover the universes of other mythological pantheons since the story has focused on an Asian universe so far.


I don't think there would be much novelty in going to a new timeline and I don't see what Tianyi could gain by doing so nor can I see how the story would progress. I would instead like to see some omakes of other timelines or a Tianyi ends up in high school DxD or some other anime/story like Douluo Dalu or Fate/Stay, nothing longer than 2-5 chapters though


I want the wedding already.