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Honestly, I expected it to take a lot more months before I reached my goals. Either, my writings skills have improved, or people only want to read because of the recent plot, probably the latter. Though, I hope not because the last time that happened, it was when Tianyi faced off against the Dragon Emperor possessed Lei Jingye, and my patrons had a drop after that peak. 

Depressing and self-deprecating thoughts aside. I want give all of you my heartfelt thanks. I'm probably going to set the next goal at 350 or 500th patron, dunno which. 

Anyways, happy readings. 


Jake Conway

Gotta be honest... I'm here for adelheid not young master :p

Audric CK

I come back every few months in the hope that the cliche or the dragon emperor would die.. or at least some of the misunderstanding have gone down .