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William von Vuldar only had an artificial resemblance to his father, Albrecht. The only thing that could be said to be similar between father and son was the characteristic steel gray eyes of the Vuldar Imperial Family and the blond hair, but William's was a tad darker.

While Albrecht had a face that seemed to be carved out of stone, William's face was soft and delicate. Despite being an aura journeyman who had the strength to defeat a hundred men, he looked like the type of person who had never held a knife before.

The only thing that looked out of place was that stern expression. It looked like a child playing adult.

Adelheid pondered how to interact with this brother of hers. Both of them were currently sitting on a long sofa with a table separating them in a lounge. Behind Adelheid were her two maids, Matilda and Sofia, while William had a single butler standing behind.

There was a tense silence between the two siblings as neither of the two siblings spoke. Half an hour had already passed since the two met, and the three servants were already beginning to worry for the two imperials.


The sound of Adelheid placing her teacup back onto the saucer resounded noticeably throughout the room.

'Brother, are you not the older one? Should you not speak first? Plus, you should have met the original princess before she fell into a coma, so what is with the strange silence?' Adelheid complained, but seeing that it wouldn't do for the silence to continue, Adelheid attempted to break the ice. 'Even though William is said to have gone to the battlefield and killed, I should be mentally older.'

"Brother, I heard from Farther that you've made plenty of accomplishments at the border," Adelheid said, testing the waters.

It was as if a switch had been flipped for William as his stern expression melted and was replaced with an excited smile, making him look a few years younger than his actual age. Even those cold steel gray eyes of the Vuldar Imperial Family seemed to soften. "Of course, your big brother is a genius! I easily slaughtered those beasts. How could the barbaric beastkin compare to the Vuldar Empire?"

Adelheid sipped her tea as she listened to William go on and on. She could tell that William inherited at least one of Albrecht's traits. Unfortunately, it was Albrecht's ability to talk nonstop once he got excited.

"Lemme tell you, soon, the Beast Kingdom will be annexed into the Vuldar Empire, and then we will take our place as the strongest superpower!" William gestured with his hands, not that he needed anything else to show off his excitement. The sheer exuberance in his voice told all.

'Yeah, I do not think that the other countries will standby and watch us swallow another superpower, especially the Holy Seraph Kingdom and Principality of Alvarius,' Adelheid thought. She had learned of the delicate power balance between the strongest superpowers with her lesson with the governess.

"I almost forgot." William turned towards his butler. "Baldwin, take out the souvenirs I brought for Addie!" William froze and turned towards her with a sheepish smile. "You will not mind if I call you Addie, will you?"

Adelheid accepted it, as she did not particularly think there was anything wrong with siblings calling each other by a nickname. "I hope you do not mind if I call you Willliam then, my dear brother."

William's reply was the biggest and most innocent smile Adelheid had ever seen.

Baldwin, William's butler, was a man in his early twenties and had blue eyes and short, coffee-colored hair. In Adelheid's opinion, he looked like a male version of Sofia in terms of temperament. "Your Highness, are you sure you want to gift that to Her Highness?"

William gave his butler a questioning look as if asking why he was asking something so simple. "Of course. I collected them as gifts once I heard my little sister was awake."

Adelheid's ears perked up. 'Now that I think about it, I have not received any gifts since I woke up. I received many things, but those were items I would receive due to my status, and Albrecht only gifts me items for some purpose, like in preparation for the Creation Celebration at the start of the new year.'

Even back on Earth, the only times Adelheid had received presents was when her parents had yet to depart. From then on, no one cared to give her anything without ulterior motives—not her caretakers, not her teachers, her fellow students, and certainly not her business partners.

So when she heard that William specifically brought a souvenir back for her, she felt her heart move. Adelheid had some misgivings on whether the intentions behind the gift were pure or not, but from her observation, she couldn't detect any falsehoods from William. 'If he is sincere, I'll treat him gentler when I ascend the throne. At least better than Albrecht.'

Baldwin left the lounge and returned shortly after. He was carrying a tray with a white cloth covering it. He placed it in front of Adelheid and then pulled the white cloth off, revealing a claw about three centimeters long. The claw was black and slightly cracked with crimson flakes on the edges.

Adelheid didn't hide her confusion at all.

"It took me by surprise too, you know," William said as he leaned onto the back of the couch. "I never expected a prince of the Beast Kingdom to be stationed at the border. When we fought, I forced him to beastify, but I only managed to cut off two fingers. If I managed to kill him, I could have given you a fang instead."

Beast transformation was a unique skill that powerful beastkin could utilize. Once they transformed, the beastkin would resemble a humanoid beast, gaining power far greater than before. The current king of the Beast Kingdom was a lion beastkin, and there were rumors that his son happened to be a rarely-seen mutated griffon beastkin.

"Why are you giving a trophy from your battle, though?" she asked.

"I know, I know!" Matilda excitedly interjected, her eyes shining.

On Adelheid's other side, Sofia suppressed a vein that was threatening to form as she glared at her fellow maid. It was fine to be exuberant privately, but this was the first time the princess met her brother!

Adelheid gestured for Matilda to explain after making sure William was okay with it.

"I forgot, you are only seven this year, almost eight, so it is no wonder that you do not know about this old tradition," William said as he lamented at his folly.

"Princess, the act of a man giving a battle trophy is an act of confession!" Matilda said, starry-eyed as she spread out her arms.

"Hah?" Adelheid looked at the claw on the tray and then at William. 'I know that some royal and imperial families practiced incest, such as the Tudors, but a brother confessing to his sister is still out of line, right? Plus, He's seventeen, while I'm only seven!

Thankfully, there was the knowledgeable Sofia and Baldwin to clear the misunderstanding created by Matilda. Yes, Sofia couldn't stop herself and hammered the flaxen-haired maid's head with her fist.

As it turns out, the tradition originated from before the Vuldar Empire or Kingdom even existed, back to when the nation was still but a rather large tribe. To show that he valued his family, a warrior would often present a trophy from his battle as a physical representation. The receivers of such gifts were often family members. The cases of the betrothed receiving such gifts were rare. At one point, many powerful families passed down the most treasured trophy of their founder as a sign of inheritance.

Matilda mistakenly believed that the act of giving a battle trophy as an act of love was due to a recent phenomenon. Thanks to a famous novel after the founding of the Vuldar Empire, the main character, a brave knight, presented a trophy from his battle to his beloved. Due to this, the act of presenting a battle trophy became an act of confession and became something all young ladies wanted to experience. However, the original practice was something only older families with roots in the origin of the Vuldar Empire did.

After the misunderstanding was finally cleared up, Adelheid accepted William's gift. While Adelheid pondered on what she should do with the claw, William continued to talk.

"I heard that you are taking magic lessons with the court mage, Mister Redland," William said. "How is it?"

"It's a slow process," Adelheid said, but if any other aspiring mage were to hear her words, they would begin to question their existence. Adelheid's talent and skill allowed her to progress faster than any before her. If she said it was slow, then a normal mage's progress was not as fast as a snail's pace. "However, I should be able to cast my first spell after the new year's celebration."

"I see," William said, but then he sighed as he looked at Adelheid. "Truthfully, I tried to learn magic too, but my instructor said I have no talent in the field. You are so lucky. I wish I were talented in magic as well."

"It's not all bad. Perhaps in exchange for my magical talent, my talent in aura is abysmal. I've trained for almost a year now, but I still have not become an aura novice," Adelheid said.

"If I could trade my ability to use aura for magic, I would do so in a heartbeat," William said. "Compared to the might of magic, aura practitioners can only play a small role on the battlefield."

'Definitely a sorcerer-type mage,' Adelheid thought.

"Sometimes, I envy you," William said. "You inherited the magical talent of elves, while my mother was just a common noblewoman, who married Father for political purposes."

"Are you not in contact with your mother's family?" Adelheid asked as she took a sip of tea to hide her frown. She had heard that both of Albrecht's wives died due to childbirth, which she found strange in a world where healing magic existed.

"No, there is no real point in associating at this point. They still hold a marquis title, but none of the current members possess any talent. They will drop a rank when the new lord inherits the title," William said.

Adelheid gave an affirmative sound. As someone who wanted to enact vengeance on her uncle's family from her previous life, she had no right to judge William's attitude towards his mother's family.

The two continued to talk, and Adelheid mostly asked about the border situation. She wanted to discover some of William's influence, but she didn't want to make it too obvious. Even if William didn't notice, she was not certain his sharp-eyed butler wouldn't.

Just as William was sharing his knowledge on the weaknesses of the beastkin, a knock could be heard on the door. The source of the knock was Alfred, Albrecht's butler, who had come to inform the two of them that the second prince was awaiting their attendance for dinner.

With the addition of one more person, the seating was changed so that Albrecht sat at the head of the table with William on his right and Adelheid on William's right.

"So good! I have never had such interesting food before. To get meat this crispy, it would have had to be burnt, but the taste would become acrid," William said as he reached for another slice of bread pork cutlet.

The fourth prince then used a spoon to sip some soup. The soup was clear with no garnishes or extras, just broth. The liquid had a slight golden tint but was otherwise transparent. "Amazing! The broth is clear like water, but I can taste so much flavor."

It had surprised Adelheid that bone broth soup was not a popular item, but she was no longer surprised after tasting them. Bone broth soup was something the common people created to utilize all parts of an animal.

Perhaps because of the aristocracy's disdain for vegetables, the original bone broth soup only used bone itself and salt as flavorings. In addition, the marrow was left inside, so it gave the broth a metallic taste.

Adelheid's revision didn't account for much. She just told the chef to remove the marrow and add vegetables during the simmering process, which did a world of wonders. Maybe some chefs had already thought of a method, but it never became popular until Adelheid did it.

"And this bone butter, as you called it, is amazing, too!" William used a dull knife to scoop out some marrow from a plate and spread it out on a piece of bread. "It is rich, creamy, and utterly delectable! Much better than regular butter!"

Adelheid didn't waste the bone marrow either. It was also not a popular ingredient since the blood contained within gave it a metallic taste, the reason bone broth soup tasted the way it did. To get rid of the blood inside the marrow, Adelheid had the chefs soak it in chilled salted water overnight. Only then did they remove the marrow and use the bone for the bone broth soup. To cook the marrow, they were placed in a baking bowl in the oven after seasoning with salt, pepper, and herbs.

She had wanted to cook them in the bone after cutting lengthwise, but the kitchen simply did not have the necessary tool for a clean cut. According to Head Chef Wolfgang, it would have required a mithril knife. That was akin to using an executioner’s sword to slice vegetables.

Adelheid had also wanted to experiment with truffles, but no one knew what truffle was. Thinking about it logically, nobles disdained vegetables, so it was no wonder that they would disdain a fungus that was buried in the soil even more.

"Addie, you're really amazing. It would be great if you could create a recipe for rations. Then the war would be half won! Haha!" William said.

"I will think about it," Adelheid said.

William's request was something every general in the Vuldar Empire wished for. Unlike the other superpowers, the Vuldar Empire had the largest standing army, and food was a significant concern during wars.

The food needed to feed an army per day was astronomical. For every legion, a good portion of the soldiers' sole duty was to transport food. However, aside from grain that could be used to cook pottage, the only other form of nutrients were dried meat and fruits. More often than not, the army would have to hunt whenever possible, which was half the reason why armies raided.

Even with the Vuldar Empire's might, it was an impossible feat to sustain an army on the march for long.

There was another problem with the soldiers' rations aside from the sheer amount required, and that was flavor. The empire had trouble feeding a legion for an extended period of time, so they ignored the taste factor. An army marches on its stomach, so morale would undoubtedly dip if they get sick and tired of their food.

The first thing she thought about when thinking of rations was canned food, but mass production was impossible with the current technology of the era, even with magic. However, there was another extremely tasty and long-lasting food that could work just as well: instant noodles.

I remember eating them so much, I got sick of them for years during my college years.’ The nutrient value was low, but just the taste should be a hundred times better than the flavorless pottage that the troops ate during wars.

However, Adelheid had no plans of 'inventing' instant noodles for now. First of all, it was unknown whether she would be able to benefit or not from introducing instant noodles. More likely than not, someone else would snatch it from her and benefit instead. If she were going to make instant noodles, it would have to benefit her.

Second, she didn't have the time nor human resources to spare for such a large project. Adelheid wanted to gather her own power base before undertaking a world-changing project such as altering the army rations.

To say the introduction of instant noodles would revolutionize war would not be an understatement. Instant ramen was lightweight and easy to carry. Not only that, but it can be preserved for years, and the soup base is just as easy to preserve. Although she didn't know how to create the powder base, evaporating all the water of a soup to create a paste was an easy alternative.

Adelheid shook her head. She had to stop thinking about it. Right now, she had other things to worry about, so she should not waste time on meaningless things.

"Addie, are you okay?" William asked with worry seeing Adelheid going silent.

Adelheid shook her head. "Yes, it is nothing. I was just thinking about the Creation Celebration happening next week."

"I see. It should be your first time participating. It is no wonder you would be curious," Albrecht said from the side after sipping some wine.

"I have not participated in one yet?" Adelheid asked.

"Of course not. You were too young and immature before your com—sleep." Albrecht changed words midway so fast, Adelheid thought she had misheard it.

Ignoring Albrecht's near blunder, Adelheid remembered that she was still only seven years old, eight on the first day of the new year. Commonly, a noble scion's social debut would only happen around when they were twelve years of age unless they were exceptionally gifted.

Abrecht stared into Adelheid's eyes and spoke with stern words. "Adelheid, I know that the Day of Creation is your birthday, but remember that the Day of Creation Banquet is first and foremost a national holiday. So do not harbor any hope that it will be special for you alone."

Adelheid nodded. She didn't expect anything less, but William couldn't help but frown. "Father, that is a bit cold-blooded, is it not? This is Addie's first birthday since waking up. Can the emperor really not make an exception this once?"

Albrecht shook his head. "You already know the emperor's temperament. The empire comes first."

William sighed with regret. Then he suddenly looked at Adelheid and winked, much to her confusion. After winking, William turned towards Albrecht. "Father, how are Antonia and Alexander? Will they appear at the banquet?"

Albrecht's knife and fork paused in their movements and glanced at William. "Son, I have told you countless times, forget about those two. Associating with either will do you no good."

"But father, as members of the Vuldar Imperial Family, they should be contributing to the empire and not lazing around," William said, the first time Adelheid had seen him have a different opinion than Albrecht.

"Listen to me. No good will come from having them contribute to the empire," Albrecht said with a tone of finality that shut any more words William wanted to say. The second prince resumed his meal but stopped and then looked at Adelheid. "Adelheid, you should be careful around the fourth princess and fifth prince, especially the fourth princess."

Adelheid nodded and gracefully accepted Albrecht's advice. That advice stuck to her for the rest of the week and all the way to the Creation Celebration.

-line break-

As always, the Day of Creation always occurred on Lightday, just as the Day of Destruction always occurred on the last day of the Month of Darkness. Unlike the other months, the Month of Darkness only had twenty-seven days.

Adelheid walked towards the ballroom with light steps. The sun had already begun to dip into the horizon, and the banquet had begun for a little over an hour now. On her adolescent face, a touch of make-up could be seen. Her cheeks appeared rosier, her eyelashes longer and more delicate than before, and her lips were a lovely complexion. It was not only her face that underwent a glamorous makeover but her hair and clothes too.

Her bun was coiled elaborately, far more than before, and gold dust was sprinkled in her hair, giving it a unique sparkle. Gone was the red half-cape that she wore on the day she met the emperor. Instead, she wore a red and black waistcoat embroidered with intricate designs at the edges.

There was a stage at the back, an elevated platform, where numerous musicians sat and played varying types of instruments, some Adelheid recognized, and others, she did not. The orchestra played a calm yet festive tune that elevated the ballroom's atmosphere to another level as if it was not a land inhabited by mortals but a paradise.

"Are you nervous?"

Adelheid turned her head and glanced at William who was dressed predominantly white and red. If there were a fairy tale of a prince on a white horse, William would have been the perfect representative.

"No, Miss Sauer has already informed me of the necessary etiquette and procedures," Adelheid said.

William made a face at the mention of the governess. "That woman was also my teacher for a while. It has already been years, yet she does not look a day older than when she taught me. I admit that she is competent at her job, but some things can only be experienced."

Adelheid gave William a meaningful smile and said, "I know."

William scrunched his brows, not understanding Adelheid's smile, but he did not have time to ponder anymore as the two entered the ballroom. Their servants, the butler and maids, all retreated aside. Inside, there would be dedicated servants to serve the two imperials.

The lavish marble tiles filled the floor with lush red carpets placed atop, tables filled with delicacies and liquor lined the edge of the room, magic lights—a magic item that shone brighter and lasted longer than fire—lit the room as if it was still day, a grand chandelier hung at the center of the ceiling, dazzling the room with its reflective lights. However, those were all external factors. The true stars of the banquet were the participants dancing and conversing within.

Adelheid spotted a woman in her fifties sporting pants and an overcoat. At her waist was a decorative sword that espoused her military background. She was Hilda Werner, a Countess, and head of her household. Years ago, when the Empire still warred, she contributed significantly to the expanding territory.

The former general had a soft smile on her face as she conversed with several young men and a few women wearing the uniform of the imperial army. They all had smiles as they spoke with one another, but there was a hint of strain on the young men and women's faces compared to the countess's leisurely expression. One of the women caught Adelheid’s eyes. It wasn’t anything major, just that her hair was a rose pink, a rarity even within the banquet hall.

At another corner, Adelheid spotted a noblewoman covering the lower half of her face with a fan. She was dressed meticulously and grandly, and her features could not be described in any other word other than beautiful. She caught the eye of many young men and women alike as she strolled through the floor.

She smiled softly to each and every person who passed by, but Adelheid could sense the calculative gaze in the young noblewoman's eyes. It was as if she was not interacting with living people but assessing the value of goods.

Another young man, slightly less dazzling but still refined, stood out. Unlike the other particpant’s attire, he was dressed in a slightly different style with more embellishments and finery. The young man of around fifteen to sixteen had black hair that contrasted greatly against his white suit. Far more eye-catching were that pair of blue eyes that could rival sapphires.

The man was surrounded by numerous young aristocratic ladies ranging from their preteens to early twenties. Adelheid would later learn that the young man was Charles III Karlings, a prince of the fallen Versaillius Kingdom that sought asylum in the Vuldar Empire. To be more accurate, it was Charles’s father, Prince Louis IX Karlings that sought asylum. Charles was born in the Vuldar Empire.

Near the center of the room, off of the dance floor, a group of elderly men and women were conversing. Each held a glass of wine in hand while smiling and occasionally taking a sip. However, there was a wide berth between them and the rest of the attendees.

"Addie, do not go over there," William quickly whispered into Adelheid's ears upon noticing where her attention was placed. "Those are the former and current dukes and the most powerful marquises. Several of them hold the position of ministers. It would not be wrong to say that they hold the most power after the emperor. Not even father alone is more powerful than them."

Adelheid nodded and placed the group into her 'do not interact' list for the moment. Before she could ask for more information, the occupants of the ballroom quickly noticed the arrival of William and Adelheid.

"Prince William! It is a pleasure to reunite with you so soon," a jolly voice said. The owner of the voice was a man in his forties of a sizable build. He would have resembled a barrel had it not been for it.

"It has been quite the time, Viscount Schmid. The soldiers at the borders only have praise for your timely supplies. Had it not been for you, the fort may have been overrun by those barbaric beastkins," William said. At a young age, he had already mastered the perfect politician's smile.

"Nonsense, I only played a supporting role. Why, I heard that Your Highness personally repelled the beastkin's prince and even managed to disarm him." The fat on Viscount Schmid's face trembled as he released a burst of gurgling laughter.

Viscount Schmid looked at Adelheid. His towering height highlighted Adelheid's age and stature all the more. "And this must be Her Highness, Princess Adelheid."

"A pleasure to make your acquaintance, Viscount Schmid." Adelheid lightly nodded her head. It was a simple action but filled to the brim with elegance and maturity beyond her years.

There was a twinkle in Viscount Schmid's eyes. "As expected of His Highness, Abrecht's child. If only my youngest child were as sensible as Her Highness, then I would have no more worries."

"How could it be? It's good for the younger child to be naughtier. However, if you are truly worried, how about I recommend him to the Vuldar Military Academy?" William spoke as his smile deepened.

Viscount Schmid made an awkward face before he quickly excused himself. After he left, William whispered to Adelheid, "His youngest son, Jurg Schmid, is a well-known troublemaker in the capital. He wanted to tie you to his youngest son because none of his family is talented. Even he got his position thanks to his father's connection. It is better to stay away from House Schmid. They might not even hold the title of viscount after his generation."

Adelheid nodded, then she paused. "How old is his youngest son if he is so well-known as a troublemaker?"

"Twelve, if I recall correctly," William said non-committedly.

'Age is not too far apart,' Adelheid thought, but soon, she did not have time to ponder over such inconsequential matters, because more and more attendees were noticing William and Adelheid.

Compared to Albrecht, who had arrived at the banquet's start, the people who came to toast William and Adelheid were of fewer numbers, but that was only natural. Albrecht was the first-in-line to the throne, although he hadn't been officially titled crown prince yet, but all he lacked was a name. Forging a connection with Albrecht was more dependable than his child, even if they were second and third-in-line to the throne respectively.

Still, the number of people swarming the two imperials was staggering. After all, there were only three people capable of legally inheriting the throne after Emperor Wilheim passed away. It was as if everyone had forgotten the two children of First Prince Friedrich.

The current situation of so few potential heirs hadn't always been the case. During Emperor Wilheim's time as a prince, he had been seventeenth-in-line to the throne.

Not long after, William had been led away—whether it was intentional or not remains to be seen—by his former classmates from the Vuldar Imperial Academy and other colleagues he had not seen for almost a year. Without William hovering over her, Adelheid was exposed to the cunning gazes of the aristocrats.

The ballroom of the imperial palace was not a place of pleasure nor leisure. It was a battleground between aristocrats, the powerful imperial family, the declining nobles, and the rising uncrowned nobles. Marriage alliances and deals that influenced the whole country were made among the laughter and the jubilant cries of the harpsichord.

"Your Highness, it is a pleasure to finally meet you." The euphoric tone of voice caught Adelheid off-guard, and she closely observed the newcomer.

The owner of the voice was a girl not yet a woman of about thirteen to fourteen. She wore a forest green dress that made her dark brown hair all the darker and highlighted her emerald eyes all the more. Furthermore, her skin was a healthy white and did not seem to have been touched by any artificial enhancers, making her appear like a woodland nymph.

The woodland nymph covered her mouth as if she had just recalled something. She bowed and did a formal curtsy. "Where are my manners? My name is Giselle Enede Holstein, the fiancee of Prince William. It is my pleasure to finally meet Your Highness, Princess Adelheid."

Adelheid was only surprised by Giselle's action for a moment before she acknowledged Giselle's curtsy. With a polite smile on her face, she said, "I have been curious to meet you ever since I woke up."

A smile blossomed on Giselle's face after hearing Adelheid's response. Adelheid naturally did her research and memorized crucial information pertaining to her competition. "You must simply visit me after the banquet. My family's garden is unparalleled in the whole capital. We could have the most delightful tea party there."

Giselle Enede Holstein was the current daughter of Marquis Holstein. The most important information of note is that her grand-aunt, the Marquis's aunt, was Justine Chelle von Vuldar nee Holstein, the current empress of the Vuldar Empire. Of course, during that time, her brother, the then-current head of household, was a duke of the third rank.

'Is she engaging with me for such simple reasons, or does she have ulterior motives?' Adelheid could not be blamed for being wary of a fourteen-year-old child, for in the world of the powerful, no children were purely innocent.

"I am afraid that is impossible at the time. My health does not offer me a wide range of movement," Adelheid said. She did not mind weakening her presence until her strength had grown. "Might I suggest inviting my brother? He has just returned from the borders, and a time to relax is what he is in dire need of."

Giselle's lips formed a pout and looked at where William was standing. "I tried to, but he just ran away without speaking tonight. He never accepts my invites. Does he not like me?"

Adelheid followed their line of sight and saw William looking towards the two. He quickly shifted his gaze away like a deer caught in headlights, but if Adelheid's eyes were working correctly, was that some redness on his cheeks?

'Is it really so simple?' Adelheid turned towards Giselle. "How about you ask again? Say that I think he needs to relax. What do you think?"

"Will he really accept?" Giselle asked, her earlier exuberance all but gone.

"Perhaps, it is worth a try. What is there to lose?" Adelheid asked.

In response, Giselle glanced at the young ladies that were eyeing her. Making up her mind, she thanked Adelheid before trying her luck once more.

Adelheid saw William notice his fiancee's action. Her brother attempted to walk away, but one of the boys near his age grabbed his shoulders with a smirk and whispered something, causing William's ears to redden and his cheeks to flush.

With Giselle gone, more and more aristocratic ladies rushed forward in an attempt to deepen their relationship with Adelheid. Even Adelheid, with her mature mindset, had trouble managing all the heated greetings, especially since children did not know restraint like adults, even if they were at least twelve years old.

"Y-y-y-your H-Highness, I am B-Bertina Jutte I-Irmen. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance!" The girl's chin-length dark blue hair covered her face as she bowed far below what etiquette demanded. Her lavender dress matched well with her hair, but it was a pity that it was far too large for her build.

"A pleasure," Adelheid acknowledged with a picture-perfect smile.

The girl, Bertina, tried to speak and converse with Adelheid, but her stuttering did no favors for her, causing her to be even shyer and introverted, almost close to tears.

Adelheid pulled out a handkerchief from her pocket and presented it to the girl. It was against conduct to touch another person's face in high society, an etiquette that had been born out of the fear of assassinations. "Please wipe your tears. Tears do not suit someone as lovely as you."

Adelheid’s words were not a lie. Bertina's eyes were large and doe-like, filled with innocence and naivety. It really made people want to protect her. Unfortunately, such advantageous features were covered by her bangs and further hidden by the incompatible dress and jewelry.

Bertina took the handkerchief with wide eyes of disbelief and elation. However, Adelheid had no plans of continuing to accept greetings and quickly made herself scarce. It was almost comical how the girl was eyeing the princess, a girl at least a head shorter, full of worship.

Adelheid had noticed that most of the people who came to greet her were under a certain age, fourteen and younger, with most of them being girls with very few boys. It seemed that there was an unspoken rule.

Adelheid took a glass of iced juice from a server, and just as she took a sip, someone greeted her.

"My dearest cousin, I had thought that I would have never been able to meet you so soon."

Adelheid turned her head and scrutinized the two newcomers. The one who had spoken earlier was a woman in her late teens. She had the characteristic steel-colored eyes of the Vuldar Imperial Family with pride, and her long blonde hair fashioned into curls swayed as she walked. Coupled with her maroon dress, she appeared regale and elegant.

"Cousin Antonia. I am also happy to finally meet you," Adelheid said. The speaker's appearance, coupled with her earlier words, Adelheid easily pieced together the newcomer's identity.

"Wow, so clever at your age." Antonia showed an expression of surprise and delight at Adelheid's response. She turned towards her companion with an elated expression. "Is she not the cutest?"

"Huh? Yeah, she's like a doll," Alexander added after being prompted by his twin sister. Unlike Antonia, he inherited the cerulean blue eyes from his maternal family. Alexander's blond hair shifted as he dodged Adelheid's gaze. Had he shown more confidence, his attire would have made him stand out, but now, Alexander appeared like an unknowing child playing adult.

"Thank you for your compliment." Adelheid also smiled at Alexander, feeling no sense of danger from the introverted teen.

"You are absolutely right. Why, if I had a daughter as adorable as Addie, I would lock her up in the world's most beautiful cage, just like Uncle Albrecht," Antonia loudly said. She turned her gaze back to Adelheid with eyes full of fondness. "Addie, you must simply come visit me at my mansion. It is better than being cooped up in the castle all day. What do you say?"

However, before Adelheid had a chance to answer, the three's attention was drawn towards another trio walking towards them. "Antonia, Alexander, I have not seen you two for a few years. How have you been?"

"It has been quite good, Uncle Albrecht," Antonia replied with warmth as if she genuinely enjoyed being in the second prince's presence.

Alexander, on the other hand, openly revealed an expression of fear as if he had been beset by some monstrous beast that would swallow him whole. The fifth prince's act of timidly hiding behind his elder twin sister caused Albrecht to frown in disapproval.

Not needing to hide his thoughts, Albrecht directly said to Alexander, "Are you a man of eighteen, or not? Always hiding behind your sister like she is your mother, where is your pride as an imperial?"

"Uncle Albrecht, Alexander is still besotted by the sadness of father and mother's passing. Please, give him some more time to recover." Antonia swiftly came to her brother's defense, her smile dimming.

"It has already been over a decade. Either Alexander grows up or hides forever in his home. Adelheid has just awakened from her long sleep, yet she shows more composure than a man twice her age," Albrecht said, dissatisfied by Antonia's coddling. This was precisely why Alexander remained frightful, always running behind Antonia at the slightest problem.

"Then we shall bid Uncle farewell for the night." Antonia gave a curtsy, with Alexander following clumsily after. She gave Adelheid some parting words before leaving with her brother. "It is a shame, I would have loved to speak with you more, but circumstances will not allow it. If you ever leave the palace, remember to drop by. My mansion will always welcome you. And one final thing, happy birthday, Addie."

Adelheid smiled and replied before looking at her father. Before she spoke, she felt a sinister gaze on her back and turned towards the source, only to see the retreating back of the two siblings.

"Is something the matter?" Abrecht asked.

Adelheid shook her head. "Is there something that you require of me, Father?"

At Adelheid's words, Albrecht showed one of his rare smiles as he gestured towards the portly man and skinny teenager next to him. "Allow me to introduce Count Auor, owner of one of the empire's largest firms."

Adelheid nodded and acknowledged the man. She had naturally heard of Hans Auor, head of House Auor. It would not be an overstatement to say that they control nearly a tenth of all the transactions that occurred within the border of the empire.

Unlike the rest of the nobility, House Auor's title of Second Rank Count never degraded, nor did it rise, but their nobility was all but guaranteed because it was a mercantile title. House Auor had to pay an astronomical sum to the imperial family as tribute every year in order to keep the title.

Their title originated from the time when the Vuldar Empire was still the Vuldar Kingdom and launched a war of unification on the surrounding lands. To fund this, Ofnir von Vuldar promised a noble title to those merchants who funded his campaign. Nearly two hundred years later, the only original mercantile noble to remain was House Auor.

However, this was not without benefits. The Vuldar Imperial Family controlled certain rights to precious commodities such as iron ore. Selling these materials without the empire's approval was punishable by death. And it wasn't just the death of the participants but the death of the participants and their families. As a mercantile noble, House Auor was one of the few businesses capable of distributing iron.

Albrecht then introduced the youth next to Count Auor. "And this is Heinrich, a promising businessman, just like his father. He already owns several thriving stores in the capital."

Heinrich Auor was nineteen years old. He was slightly taller than his father, but his willowy body greatly contrasted against his father's girth. His hair was a hazel brown slicked neatly to the side that paired well against his chocolate-colored eyes. He gave a simple but elegant salute to Adelheid. "It’s my pleasure to make your acquaintance. I hope our future cooperation will be long-lasting and fruitful."

At this point, Adelheid would have to be a dullard not to put two and two together. Heinrich was the partner her father found for her foray into business. As far as potential business partners went, Heinrich was hardly the worst, nor was he the best, but his current achievements and status paired well with Adelheid's current influence and status.

Naturally, she didn't discuss any business with Heinrich at the banquet. They had set a date for a meeting in a month. After that, the rest of the night went by like a blur for Adelheid. By the time she returned to her room, her head was pulsing from the number of faces and names she had to remember.

"What is this?" Adelheid asked as she gulped down her tonic. In Matilda's hand was a small box wrapped in ribbons and a sealed letter in Sofia's hand.

"One of the butlers sent it here, saying it was a gift in celebration of Your Highness's birthday," Sofia answered as she handed the letter to Adelheid and accepted the empty bowl.

Reading her name in cursive script on the letter, she saw no indication of who sent it, but that changed when she saw the wax seal with the symbol of the Vuldar Imperial Family. 'Did Albrecht send me a birthday gift?'

Adelheid did not think it was likely. Even after Antonia mentioned it, Albrecht did not say anything concerning her birthday. It was much the same for the rest of the people who greeted her. The Day of Creation overshadowed the fact that she had turned eight today.

There was some disappointment in her heart. No one had celebrated her birthday ever since her parents died in her previous life. She broke open the wax and opened the letter inside.

Dear Cousin Addie,

You do not mind if I call you Addie, right? Of course, you will not. We are cousins, how could you mind? I must say that when I heard of your awakening, I was filled to the brim with joy. I had always wanted to meet you, but Uncle Albrecht would not allow you to meet other people. I heard that before you fell into the long sleep, only a few servants knew of your appearance. It was to the point that many thought Adelheid was just a legend, but I know the truth.

I had wanted to give you your birthday gift during the banquet, but etiquette demands that gift-giving be inappropriate on such occasion and time. So, before I left, I asked the servants to send my thoughts to you. I hope you enjoy the gift. I know that you possess excellent magic talent and hope this will aid you in your future endeavors.

From your dearest cousin,

Antonia von Vuldar.

P.S. Alexander sends his regards as well.

After reading the letter, Adelheid opened the package in Matilda's hand. Inside was a fiery red egg-like object with skin that resembled scales. Picking it up, Adelheid felt a warmth transmit into her body through her skin. It reminded Adelheid of the sensation of holding a fire-attribute magic stone, only far gentler.

"What is this?" Matilda asked. She had never seen an object quite like the egg in Adelheid's hand. Even Sofia could only shake her head at her lack of knowledge.

But it just so happened that Adelheid recognized the object gifted to her. "It's a Fire Dragon's Egg."

"Like, THE fire dragon, dragon?" Matilda said as her gaze towards the egg in Adelheid's hand heated up. Even Sofia felt dizziness in her head at the information.

Dragons were creatures that stood on the pinnacle of might and magic. If a dragon were to appear, it could easily cause turmoil and devastation to the capital if not outright wipe it off the face of the continent. Only legendary heroes passed down through fables could combat them.

It was one of the reasons the Dragonic Dukedom was so powerful, because their ruling family inherited the blood of dragons. There were even rumors that the true ruler of the Dragonic Dukedom was a dragon.

"Do not overthink it. It is not a literal egg, but what the fruit is called," Adelheid said.

"Huh? Why? I mean, it does look like an egg, but why call it a Fire Dragon's Egg?" Matilda's amber eyes stared quizzically at the fruit in Adelheid's hand.

"I would like to be enlightened as well, Your Highness," Sofia said. As someone who prided herself in her knowledge, it hurt her pride not to know more than the now eight-year-old princess.

"There's a reason that it has such a fantastical name." Adelheid placed the object back into its container. "There are legends that eating the flesh of dragon will cause an ordinary man to possess the same strength as an aura grandmaster, and the heart of a dragon, the legendary magic stone is known as a Philosopher's Stone, is able to grant miracles. Even drinking the blood of a dragon can heal all disease and ailments, and a dragon's bone can create the greatest weapons and armor."

Matilda and Sofia nodded. This was common knowledge passed down in fairy tales. However, the last time a dragon was slain was hundreds of years ago, a few years before the Vuldar Empire was founded. There were rumors that the dragon's corpse was still in the Holy Kingdom's treasury vault, hidden away from the world.

"This fruit is not some part of a dragon or even an egg, but it does possess miraculous effects albeit inferior or equal to a dragon's flesh or bone. Whoever ingests this will have their mana capacity increase and gain increased fire affinity. " Adelheid finished as she closely inspected the object in her hand. In truth, she was not a hundred percent confident that the fruit in her hand was a genuine Fire Dragon's Egg simply because it was too rare.

For a Fire Dragon's Egg to be born, the tree that bore it had to be practically doused in a fire dragon's aura for decades. So the only reliable way to attain one was to risk your life and find it in the Dragonlands, a forbidden land of dragons that constantly warred against the Giant Nation.

"Wow, someone must really respect Your Highness to give such a gift," Matilda exclaimed in amazement, her eyes never leaving the fruit.

Even Sofia, who was not talented in magic at all, felt her eyes glued to the fruit. The status of a mage in the Vuldar Empire was not low. Mages of the third circle could enjoy the same benefits as a knight of the empire.

"Yes, someone must really like me," Adelheid muttered. Adelheid's knowledge of the Fire Dragon's Egg did not originate from her interest but because it was one of the items listed that she must not consume. Otherwise, it would aggravate her body and might even induce mana mutation, or worse, death.

'But does she know?' Adelheid questioned whether Antonia truly didn't know or wanted to cause her death through a failed mana mutation. It was a question that she would not discover in the near future.

The next day, to Adelheid’s surprise, William took her to celebrate her birthday and gifted her a monster’s egg.


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