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A few days had passed since Emperor Wilheim had officially declared Adelheid the third successor to the throne, and now, she was currently having dinner with her father. It was the first dinner between the two since Adelheid had met the emperor. The two were seated at a rectangular table over three meters long, with Adelheid and Albrecht sitting on opposite ends. At the center, the most eye-catching dish was no doubt the suckling pig.

"How have your lessons been going?" Albrecht asked, not looking up from his plate of food which consisted of a slice of meat from a roasted suckling pig.

The piglet had been rubbed with various herbs and seasonings such as garlic and pepper enhancing its flavor. The skin had been roasted to perfection and spelled positively divine. For garnish, an apple had been stuffed into the piglet's mouth, and various leafy vegetables lined the plate.

Surrounding the main course were numerous smaller dishes, all of them professionally prepared by Head Chef Wolfgang. There was a basket of bread next to the stew composed of peasant meat with various vegetables. Next to that was a plate of steamed fish fillet set adjacent to some sliced ham. And those were just some of the dishes.

Rather than a meal for two people, it was a feast that could feed at least eight men, but Adelheid had long gotten used to it, so she didn't say anything. Not to mention that she is only at dinner with her father at most once a week.

"It has been going well," Adelheid stopped to place a piece of meat she had sliced into her mouth. After chewing and swallowing it, she continued. "Miss Sauer says that I no longer need to take any more mathematics lessons since I already learned everything she knew."

Rather than learning, Adelheid felt like she was excavating knowledge she had already learned. Aside from language, etiquette, geography, and history, I feel as if doing a large review. Speaking of which, I can use Earth’s language if I want to conceal important information.

"Impressive." Prince Albrecht said as he ordered one of the servants to bring him a loaf of bread and a bowl of stew from the center of the table. “Now that His Majesty has named you third-in-line to the throne, more and more people will start to notice you, even if you have yet to make your social debut.

“That was not my social debut? Why would His Majesty name me the third heir then?” Adelheid asked. And how come you’re calling your father His Majesty, it feels a bit too cold. Not that I address you as father inside my thoughts either.

“The emperor’s thoughts are too farsighted for someone like me. Each action taken by His Majesty has a meaning. If he named you the third heir, then there is a reason even it is unknown at this time.” Adelheid couldn’t say anything to Albrecht’s faith in Emperor Wilhelm. Rather than a feeling like a son to his father, it felt like Albrecht was venerating a god.

The duo of father and daughter entered a round of silence. Only the noise of cutlery clacking against porcelain plates could be heard in the private dining room.

"Father..." Adelheid started but stopped as if unsure whether to continue or not.

Seeing his daughter's hesitance, Albrecht stopped for a moment before showing a kind smile. Or at least he attempted to. Coupled with his naturally cold, steely eyes, war-hardened face, and beard, Albrecht's smile was akin to a bloodthirsty grin.

Nine out of ten children would definitely cry and flee in terror if they ever saw this brand of a kind smile.

However, against all logic, Adelheid showed a slight smile as if she had been comforted by such a smile. If I were a normal child, tears would be streaming down my face now.

“Father, when will I be able to learn magic?” Adelheid asked. She had already inquired about finding a magic teacher before, but Albrecht just used the reason that Adelheid wasn’t ready for magic lessons to deny her. If she had not met the emperor, Adelheid perhaps would have some patience, but now she had a goal.

The seventh princess was still but a child, so not many people would take her seriously even if she was third-in-line. First-in-line and second-in-line to the throne were Second Prince Albrecht and Sixth Prince William respectively. Adelheid wanted to build a foundation to gather followers, and what was the best way?

To let others know of her potential and value. If she were to be widely known as a genius, that would speak wonders of her potential, making it easier to gather followers. Still, it would only make her path a bit smoother, not even mentioning her brother, her father was already quite a rival for the throne. She could tell that Albrecht also yearned for the throne.

Adelheid didn’t have any concrete proof, just a feeling. She could tell Albrecht was the ambitious type, like her. Besides, what person wouldn’t seek more power for himself? The desire for power, wealth, and glory were basic human instincts.

“Adelheid, the time is not right. Focus on your studies for now.” Albrecht said, using almost the exact same excuse he used before.

“Miss Sauer will not be teaching me mathematics anymore, I have more time. Instead of wasting time, I think I should start learning magic. How about some introductory lessons?” Adelheid ask. Although she said introductory lessons, she had confidence in taking more magic lessons after making a breakthrough.

Albrecht paused. He finished chewing his food before speaking once more. “Dear, it’s still too soon. Magic is not something you can learn halfheartedly. Listen to father, okay?”

Adelheid inwardly frowned at the resolute rejection in his voice. Adelheid contemplated her tactics for a moment before opening her mouth once more. Since I can not appeal to logic, I’ll try emotional persuasion.

"But Father~! You told me that I could learn magic, so why are you going back on your words? I want to learn magic!" Adelheid said in a sickeningly sweet pleading voice. The voice was so sweet, she could already feel the cavities.

Adelheid pointedly ignored the gaze of shock stabbing into her back from her maids.

"Ah?" Albrecht released a foolish sound that would never occur in public. The change from his daughter's usual obedient attitude catching him off guard. "I-I mean, I think it’s still too soon? How about waiting some more?"

"You said that a month ago!" Adelheid pouted and crossed her arms. "Hmpf, you're just a liar, after all."

"C-come on?" Albrecht raised his hands in a placating manner. His usual dignify and stern demeanor was nowhere to be seen, and in its place, that of a confused father. Even before her coma, Adelheid had never acted so spoilt to him. In fact, the Adelheid from three years ago was actually very fearful of Albrecht. "Your body isn't well, so you shouldn't push yourself too much. If you collapse, I'll be very sad. You need to have more time to learn magic. How about waiting after you finish all your lessons with the governess?"

"Hmpf, Miss Sauer said that I will finish most of the curriculum and etiquette lessons in a month. Won't I have time then?" Adelheid said as she crossed her arms and pouted.

"Really? If that is the case..." Albrecht hesitated for a moment and took another glance at his sole daughter. Seeing her still glaring at him with those steel-colored eyes, he verbally relented. "Alright, alright. I'll find a magic tutor for you next month, okay?"

"Yes, you're the best father!" Adelheid said as her frown turned into an adorable smile that could melt any parent's heart. It was a behavior that only a child could accomplish.

Till the end of dinner, neither of the two spoke again. When both Adelheid and Albrecht were full, half of the suckling pig was left, but that was a regular occurrence. After Adelheid finished dessert, a slice of bee sting cake, the father and daughter separated.

"Haaaaaaah," Adelheid sunk into her bed and released a long sigh without even changing her clothes. Man, I really was worried that Albrecht would reject me.

Second Prince Albrecht was the unofficial crown prince of the Vuldar Empire with the death of the previous crown prince, Frederick von Vuldar. As such, he was encumbered by numerous matters of the empire to the point that Adelheid rarely saw him once a week.

Thinking about family, Adelheid recalled that she had an older brother named William, who was ten years older than her. Well, half brother, to be exact, since his mother also died during childbirth.

William was out carrying out his official duties as a prince. Leading his band of knights and exterminating any monsters or any other hostiles within the border of the Vuldar Empire. According to Albrecht, this was a test and a learning experience for his duty as a member of the imperial family. It was a process that Adelheid would also undergo once she grew up.

As for her grandfather, who her brother was named after, Wilhelm von Vuldar. Aside from meeting him during the audience in front of all nobles and officials, all information she knew of came from Albrecht, who literally talked two hours straight about how great of an emperor Wilheim was. If Adelheid hadn't stopped him, she did not doubt that her father could regale her for the rest of the day.

It was the longest conversation the father and daughter ever had.


"Hmm?" Adelheid grunted as she flipped onto her back and glanced at Sofia. "What is it?"

"It's..." The fifteen-year-old maid hesitated for a moment but decided to swallow her words and changed the subject. "–Your Highness needs to change into your sleepwear. Your Highness’s day attire is dirty."

"Geez, if you can't spit out, I'll ask her highness," Matilda said as she shoved Sofia aside and stood in front of the seventh princess. "What was that earlier?"

"What was what?" Adelheid said, diverting your eyes.

"That!" Matilda flung her arms around like she was playing charades. "Earlier during the dinner between Your Highness and His Highness Albrecht."

"I have no clue what you're talking about." Adelheid persisted, her expression showing nothing but the most innocent confusion.

"Your words, your tone of voice! It was so sickeningly sweet like you've never said before. In the three months that I served you, you never talked in that tone!" Matilda said, still reeling from Adelheid's abnormal actions during dinner to the point that she forgot about her own hunger.

"Aren't you hungry?" Adelheid asked. "Why don't you help me change and quickly eat dinner? I'm sure you're starving."

"I'm not–" Matilda's grumbling stomach interrupted her words, causing the young maid to redden in shame.

Before Matilda could speak more, Sofia nudged her and gestured her to be silent. Although unsatisfied, Matilda helped Sofia undress the seventh princess and change into her sleepwear, a cotton shirt, and briefs. The sleepwear was actually so comfortable that the two maids had requested their own pair as a reward, to which Adelheid readily agreed. She did more than that and gave the two maids several sets.

Once the seventh princess drank her tonic and retired for the night, the two maids made way for the kitchen. They greeted the two knights stationed outside the princess's room as they made their way to the cafeteria.

Once out of earshot, Matilda furiously whispered to Sofia. "Why'd you stopped me?'

Sofia shot her a look that said she was an idiot. "Couldn't you tell? The princess purposely glossed over it. She didn't want to talk about it. We are maids, and we should never overstep our bounds."

"Oh," Matilda said, her mood low, but that soon changed when she entered the cafeteria and delightful aromas entered her nose. The seventh princess was rather lax with the two maids, allowing them to dine with her at the same table, but only in the confines of privacy. Events such as dinner with the Second Prince were not categorized as private.

Walking towards the kitchen, Matilda waved and happily said. "Mister Koch, I hope you have some leftovers for us!"

Jacob Koch, or Mister Koch as he was known to everyone in the palace, was one of the apprentice chefs. He was a man in his mid-twenties with a pair of brawny arms and growing gut dressed in a white apron smeared with food.

"For you two gals? Any and every time." Koch said with a smile as he waved back.

The magic lamps of the cafeteria had been turned on since the sun had set. Even so, not many people were in the cafeteria as dinner time had already passed. Only those like Matilda and Sofia who couldn't eat dinner were present.

Matilda squealed with delight while Sofia gave a polite thanks.

"You're the best. So what do you have?" Matilda asked as her eyes darted behind the apprentice chef. The tables and cutting boards were lined with bowls and strips of unfinished meats and vegetables.

"You're in luck. Some of them high folks didn’t finish half a suckling pig!" Koch said as he slapped his belly with a laugh and walked away. When he came back, he had a plate of sliced pork meat lined up beautifully. "These enough for you two lasses?"

Honestly, the platter of meat was enough to feed four men, but an aura disciple like Matilda could still eat all of it if she so wished. Sofia thanked Koch and took the platter away, looking for a seat.

Koch smiled. Sofia was just like all the other noble maids, but Matilda was different—must be why he liked her so much. Koch recalled his wife and children and sighed. Even after years, he was still an apprentice chef. When would he become a real chef? Or even a senior chef.

He was broken out of his thoughts when he noticed Matilda running towards him. "Is it not enough?"

The first time Koch had seen the girl of twelve—an admittedly tall girl of twelve—devour a whole platter enough for two grown men, he had been stunned. Now, he just rolled with it. Still, it should have taken her longer to eat platter. Five minutes had yet to pass.

Matilda rubbed the back of her head sheepishly. "Actually, can I ask for some loaves of bread and a knife? Oh, and some lettuce leaves too."

"Sure." Koch went into the kitchen and retrieved all the items Matilda requested. "What do you need them for?"

When people had meat, they generally ignored vegetables, and he had given her roasted slices of suckling pig. In the entire palace, roasted suckling pig was the most delectable food. When dignitaries from other nations came, suckling pig was served above all else.

"Ehehe," Matilda giggled. "I'm making a sandwich."

"Sandwich?" Koch parroted. Was it some sort of food?

Matilda nodded. "It's something the princess came up with."

It took a moment for Koch to recall that the princess Matilda spoke of was the seventh princess of the empire. Growing curious, the apprentice chef followed the flaxen-haired maid to the table, and under his keen eyes, watched her construct a sandwich.

It was easy enough to make. Slice the bread in half and fill it with meat and some green vegetables. Adelheid preferred kale or spinach, but Matilda liked the watery-ness of the lettuce much more.

"Too bad there's no sauce," Matilda said with regret, but her mouth and hands never stopped moving.

“Sauce?” Koch asked, wondering what sauce Matilda was talking about. The kitchen had plenty of sauce, but she hadn’t requested any.

“Un-huh! It’s mayonnaise, and it’s super delish!” Matilda praised without holding back.

"You said the princess thought this up?" Koch said, his voice filled with disbelief.

It was such a simple concept. Anything could be a sandwich as long as it stuck between two pieces of bread, yet no one else thought of it. No, perhaps someone did, but it never caught on. And he wondered what sauce Matilda was talking about. Although Matilda would eat almost anything given to her, she was quite a gourmet. A gleam entered Koch's eyes.

"Is it umm —would it be possible for me to have an audience with Princess Adelheid?" Koch asked, his voice full of hope.

Before Matilda could answer, Sofia did. "Impossible. Princess Adelheid is busy. How can she personally descend into the cafeteria?"

"Yeah, sorry?" Matilda apologized to Koch. Even though she was fine with it, she couldn't imagine Adelheid coming to the kitchen or cafeteria at all. Not to mention that Adelheid was planning on learning magic, which would make her even busier.

"I see," Koch said, disappointed. "I should apologize, I asked a stupid question."

Even as he walked away, he continued to mutter the word sandwich over and over again.

Seeing Koch walk away disappointed, Matilda thought about mentioning it to the seventh princess, but upon seeing Sofia's glare, Matilda quickly discarded the thought. Focusing once more on her sandwich, the aspiring knight bit into it with gusto. However, neither of them would have thought after a month, Adelheid would request to come to the kitchen out of her own will.

The reason was simple, Adelheid had an abundant amount of time. Albrecht had only verbally agreed, so he could delay under the excuse that he was still searching. Realizing this, Adelheid’s mood plummeted.


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