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A comic I made immediately after being inspired by another comic.

 I don't really get the catharsis I want out of the comic itself till I make it, myself.


 I don't hate it, I hate the part I'm supposed to hate. So maybe I love it a way that I'm in the right mindset. Makes me anxious, though.

The synopsis of this sketch is that Nana, the tall girl with glasses finds her tiny little sister distressed by the cruel uncarring and unnervingly murderous world outside. To ease her burden she enlists the help of her high school's tiny student body representative, Little Miss Fly Puncher, herself.

Fun bit of trivia: 

Half Inch High is the name of Labba's comic. The same one that 

Micro and the Tipping Scales is based on. 

Half Inch High: Microcosm is what I'm calling the tangents and vignettes I make inspired by Labba's comic.



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