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I woke up to the feeling of squirming. Since I was completely nude I was naturally more sensitive, not to mention the memories of the night before presenting themselves in full erotic clarity the moment I gained a fraction of my consciousness back.

I looked down to find Umara shifting so she could sit up.

After some time, she slowly turned around, the two of us making eye contact and my small grin turning to a wide beam when I saw her flushed face.

“Well good morning, darling. Have a good sleep?”


She turned away, covering her face with her hands.

“I’m a dirty whore.”

“You’re my dirty whore.”

“Aah! What was all that?! I-It was sticky! There’s a p-puddle right here! And I think my face has your… stuff on it…”

“Pfft, yes, you were quite enthusiastic last night. It wasn’t technically sex but it’s pretty damn close. If you’re embarassed now though-”

“I’m embarrassed because I’m pretty sure sex is tamer. More normal, I guess. But that…”


I propped my head on my hand, watching her think as my smile faded a bit.

Then she glanced at me for a bit before turning away again.

“...not that I regret it…”

“Heh, I mean, you asked for it.”

“I-I didn’t think you’d shove your tongue inside me! I’ve never even heard of doing something like that…”

“Aww, you’re so innocent.”

“Is that a bad thing or something?”

“No. Just makes you cuter.”

I chuckled before pulling her in for a hug. Combing back her hair with her boobies on my chest.

“Was it too much? I know it was sudden.”

“No, no it wasn’t. It was just shocking. But I liked it… Since we can’t quite have sex yet, we’ll have to keep doing that until we can.”

“Stave off the horny.”


She smiled, giving me a peck on the lips before pushing herself up a bit. I grinned seeing those beautiful pillows in my face.

Then, my Aerial rang. It was Feiden, who I greeted as Umara moved around.


“Hello. We’re at the hotel.”


I cursed before my eyes suddenly widened.

Fresh Prince was getting the lollipop treatment under the blanket. Wasn’t she just embarrassed? This girl was bipolar or something.

I clicked my tongue and spoke.

“Just chill out in the lobby, maybe introduce yourself to the Key Master at the front desk. He’s a cool dude. We’ll be down there in a little bit.”


The response was succinct, the two of us hanging up before I looked down and threw off the blanket.

Umara froze for a second, the two of us making eye contact before she continued.

“We’ll need to call room service. This room is not decent.”


“I think a shower is in order too.”


“We can’t be long since they’re waiting.”

“Hm… That’s up to you.”

Umara paused with a smile, making me snicker before I grabbed some of her hair and pushed her back down.




Tana and Feiden waved as we approached, both of their gazes on Umara’s beet red face.

I clasped hands with Feiden while she went and hugged Tana. Feiden whispered to the side.

“What happened?”

“Oh, nothing important. We were just messing around a bit. Sorry we came down late. We had just woken up when you called.”

“It’s no problem.”

“Here, let’s head up.”

I waved them over, giving a greeting to the Key Master while I walked past.

Once inside the elevator I slotted my key and punched my floor number, the four of us getting carried up.

I was excited as I led them into the room, Feiden and Tana looking around with wide eyes.

“So this is where you’ve been living this whole time? It’s really nice.”

“Nicer than my family’s manor.”

“It’s definitely comfortable.”

I chuckled as they walked around, checking out the kitchen and bedroom.

Thankfully, the Hotel’s room service was prompt. It only took a minute for the cleaners to get there, and after pointing them in the right direction, they took a measly 5 minutes to clean.

Impeccable service. Just that Umara was embarrassed to no end seeing all the stains from the night before, even more so knowing that those cleaners knew exactly what we had done. That was on top of what we did in the shower just moments before.

She was so cute when she was all flushed red like that.

Feiden stood with me as Tana walked around, as if inspecting. When she arrived at the table, she poked my Orb sitting in its projection cradle.

“Is this a projector? What’s on the orb?”

“My advancement formation.”

“Oh, let me see.”

Tana tapped it, the entire formation cluster being projected in the air in all it’s glory.

Her jaw dropped for a few seconds.

“...That’s insane.”

“Yes, it is. I’ve barely started and it’s been melting my brain.”

“Well, at least nobody can say you’re stupid.”

She shrugged, turning it back off while taking a seat on the couch with Umara.

That’s when Feiden lifted something off the counter nearby us. It was the two spatial sacks that came off our kill not long ago. Umara perked up when she saw him take them, a few blood stains across their surface.


“Oh, we have yet to look through those.”

I went over, Feiden handing them to me. I explained while trying to activate them.

“They’re spoils of war Umara and I got.”

“From who?”

“Some drug maker in the black market. Don’t tell her mother, or anybody else that Umara got involved with some of my work.”

“...You should call me next time. It must be dangerous.”

“Tsk, I don’t like pulling people into that place with me. Don’t worry about it. I won’t be working that much since I’ll need to prepare for basic training. That reminds me, I need to see Tavera…”

I mumbled before suddenly frowning. I couldn’t get in to the sacks.

Binding storages to a crest was only useful since it prevented anyone else from opening them. That’s how mine operated, as did most Polaris Brand sacks. But if the owner wasn’t there to erase their crest from it, then it would persist. Now our target was dead and his items couldn’t be opened.

Seemed I’d need to find someone to help me with that. They looked much nicer than my own so I wouldn't mind swapping them if they were better. Mine was due for an upgrade anyway, one of the things on my list of preparations before the military.

I tossed them back on the counter, Umara asking.

“No luck?”

“They’re still bound. You wouldn't happen to know anyone that can get rid of the restrictions?”


“I’ll find someone later then.”

I shrugged.

After a lull in the conversation, Feiden caught my attention. He looked at me and raised his fingers to his neck, tapping it.

I raised my hand and touched my neck where he was indicating, finding some scabs and a bit of dried blood.

I smiled. Seemed Umara was biting pretty hard last night. And with a quick look, I noticed she also had a hickey. Hers was a bit more discreet since I didn’t try to bite a hole in her neck.

I shrugged again, making him chuckle.

After that we hung around in the room. None of us had anything to do and it was fun just being together and talking. At least, until Tana had to leave to go home.

Once her scheduled departure on the Rails came, we all walked her to the station and saw her off. After that it was just Umara and I plus Feiden, who excused himself.

“I’m gonna go train.”

“Right now?”

“I have yet to do so today. And the Puppet Master is helping me, so I’m on a schedule.”

“Alright. Well, keep in touch. We’ve got some weeks before we ship-”

“You’re John Cooper?!”

My head swiveled when I heard the sudden shout, laying eyes on a man and woman who came running over. They were dressed in suits and held no ill intentions so I wasn’t on guard, not to mention the fact that the man was a summoner. I could sense the Psyka.

Feiden stepped forward a bit as I responded.

“Who’s asking?”

“My name is Joel Hunterson, from the Capitol News. This is my partner Abigail Acosta.”

“Please to meet you.”

The little lady bowed to the side, though Joel seemed to excited to do anything else other than get straight to business.

“I’ve been investigating the events surrounding the recent retreat on the frontlines, especially the reasons surrounding the deaths of so many students and noble children. The military, Kingdom, and Magisterium haven’t given any official response, and none of the surviving noble children are capable of coming out of their homes. I was hoping you would be able to shed some light on the subject. I’d also like to get a piece on your recent Crowned Championship.”


I stared at him for a few seconds, glancing to the sides to see Umara and Feiden’s neutral face.

Many surrounding eyes were also falling our way. I was picking up on several conversations as well.

“...You do understand what kind of a position this puts me in. You ever thought about the fact that the Kingdom doesn’t want you knowing what happened?”

“Of course. But a military base headed by an Authority 12 being completely decimated indicates some extreme circumstances that the people ought to know about.”

“And you couldn’t talk to any of the soldiers?”

“They’re being detained, so no. You three are the only survivors that are out in the open right now. The only ones that can’t be suppressed. So please, the people deserve to know what happened. Even if you only give me a hint.”


I let out a breath, linking my mind with Umara’s.

(How much can I say? I’m not opposed, but only if it doesn’t land me in legal trouble.)

(...I’m not entirely sure about the details, but there’s a chance that information about the Kings are military secrets. Open secrets, but still secrets. Openly spilling those can catch some eyes and trouble. I wouldn’t.)


I hummed, thinking about her words while continuing to stare at Joel.

Then, I sighed.

“I’m sorry, I can’t tell you anything.”


“I can’t tell you anything.”

I repeated myself before turning and walking. At the same time, my Aura found his mind and echoed some words.

(The King of Anarchy has appeared.)


He didn’t respond since he couldn’t, but he clearly heard my words, his brows raising and Aura conveying his surprise.

Then, I heard him mutter.

“Let’s go, Abigail.”

“Sir, can we really let them go?”

“It’s fine. We have some other leads to follow. Let’s not trouble such a historical summoner.”

He turned and walked off as well, his words making me smile inwardly.

He really knew how to play it cool. Seems he was a half decent investigative journalist.

After that, we bid Feiden goodbye so he could go train. As for Umara and I, since I needed to go visit Tavera and she wanted to come with, we headed into the market together.

She threw on her mask as we walked through the streets and into Tavera territory. Once we reached the headquarters though, we were stopped by some guards.

“Who are you? State your business.”

“I’m here to see the Patriarch. My name is John Cooper.”


I held up the golden cigar case, which was really my only form of identification relevant to the Taveras.

The guard looked at it for a few seconds before standing aside.

“Understood. Welcome.”


We walked past, heading into the building and noticing a lot more people than normal. All of them were dressed in red, black, and white uniforms, and all of them had sabres at their waist.

I eventually found the Patriarch’s estate, finding another two guards outside the door. They stopped me again.

“State your business.”

“I was paying the Patriarch a visit. Is he here?”

“He is, but-”

“Let him in.”

We all heard a voice, the two guards immediately opening the door for me.

Once we made out way to the study, I found the Patriarch and another man within.

The Patriarch smiled at us.

“John, I’m glad to see you’re okay.”

“Yes, thanks for the concern. I just thought I'd stop by and say hello, let you know I’m still alive and all.”

“Of course. You’ve come at a good time, in fact. John, meet my grandson, Emmerich. Emmerich, this is John Cooper.”

“A pleasure.”

We shook hands, Emmerich glancing at the masked Umara for a second.

Once he looked back at me, he smiled.

“I saw what you did at the Magisterium. I never would have imagined the sight of a summoner beating a knight in a fist fight. You have my respect.”

“Thank you. Though it was only possible since he was critically wounded.”

“Heh, nobody cares about that. You brought down a knight an entire level above you. That alone is an event worthy of the history books.”

“I’m flattered.”

I grinned. This Emmerich seemed friendly.

The Patriarch chimed in at that moment.

“John, Emmerich is the one who we gave the Crown to. You’re currently looking at the future Patriarch of the Tavera Family.”

“Oh wow. Congratulations.”

“Thank you. Though I have a lot of work to do before the succession.”

Emmerich smiled, making me shrug.

“I’m sure you’ll be fine. You won the war in the markets. Now you just need to dominate the rest. Maybe I can help out with the Trenches. I’ve had some experience there.”

“Hm, I can’t say I want to see Apocryon again.”

“Yes he’s quite the character. Almost killed me with his Aura one time.”

“You have my sympathies. My experience was also rather haunting. He’s only Authority 10, but dare I say he has the Aura of an Authority 12. It was the only reason I didn’t kill him.”

“I see. Unfortunate.”

We nodded to each other in understanding. Apocryon was a menace to all who crossed his path.

“Speaking of war, you’ll be entering the military soon, right John?”

The Patriarch muttered, shifting my focus.

“Yes sir. Hopefully I’ll have an easier time than at the Magisterium.”

“I’ve heard of the troubles you’ve had there. The military will indeed be easier. If you wish, I can also talk to some friends of mine and get you placed under a friendlier name. It may help you stay out of the spotlight.”

“I appreciate the concern. Hopefully my girlfriend’s mother has already taken care of that. If that’s the case, then there’s no reason for you to be troubled.”

“Perhaps. Either way, I’ll warn them. The competition will be fierce, so maybe this will tip things in your favor.”

“Are you sure? I don’t want to trouble you.”

“Nonsense. You underestimate my influence boy. Just rest easy, and take care of yourself in the military. I better not hear anything about you risking your neck before you climb more in power. You’ve too much potential left to unearth, and I intend to see it at some point. Don’t deny us that.”

“...Of course, sir. Thank you.”

I smiled and nodded to him.

He grinned.

“Good. Now, I hear you recently killed the Bremman boy. His father is currently trying to hunt you down. Thankfully, you make yourself scarce.”

“I try. Should I be worried on my way back?”

“Perhaps. Certainly don’t let your guard down. Our territory spreads to most market entrances, but those warlocks may be lingering. Leave through the west or northwest entrance, where Chef Blue and Red work. They should be safer.”

“Mm. Will do. And speaking of Bremman…”

I brought out the spatial storages we took off the body, explaining the situation.

The Patriarch nodded when he understood.

“That shouldn’t be an issue. For future reference, building 455 on 2nd street. There’s a warlock there who specializes in cracking spatial storages. But for these, we have a warlock here who can do it. If you head to our logistics building in the east wing of the estate, you can find Herald. Tell him I sent you.”

“Oh, thank you.”

“Then I won’t keep you. Enjoy your final days as a civilian, John. With the situation out there, you certainly won’t be entering with favorable conditions.”

I smiled bitterly, nodding as we said goodbye before heading down to that warlock to get the spatial storages unlocked.

“You seem to favor this kid.”

Emmerich muttered once John had left, hearing a chuckle in response.

“I suppose I do. But for good reason. You can’t possible fail to see the value he presents.”

“I do. But going so far as to pull strings in the military for him? You might be met with trouble.”

“And it’ll be worth it because his future favor far outweighs short term troubles. Don’t make the mistake of missing such a prospective ally, grandchild. We’ve been lucky to befriend him, so don’t screw it up by being cheap, especially when Luna and the Church have their eyes on him too.”

“The Kingdom as well.”

“All the more reason.”

The Patriarch raised a cigar, letting out some puffs.

“You’ve been spending too much time slaughtering our enemies. Time to start building friendships. They’re just as important, especially if you plan to take my seat. I’ve been running this family for over 150 years and I can tell you with absolute certainty that the only reason we still stand today is due to the bonds we’ve forged with other powerful individuals over many decades. John is young, but he is one of those bonds we need to develop. Keep that in mind, especially as this Kingdom’s tensions rise.”


Emmerich nodded.

With the recent market war, as well as suspicious movements within the Kingdom’s Royal House, he had been on edge and suspicious of everyone beyond their family. He had been forced to kill too many that had once been on their side, yet tried to stab them in the back as they made their moves.

But the Patriarch seemed to favor John Cooper heavily. It seemed he’d have to heed those words and pay attention to that name.


Grevillea Arachne

Always a pleasure reading your chapters <3


I'm quite curious as to the contents of those 2 spacial storages.