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Duchess Talerria trotted down the hall of her estate as the morning sun rose above the horizon.

When she arrived in the kitchens, she found all her chefs and servants working diligently to prepare breakfast, as they did every day.

She didn’t even glance at them, simply entering the dining hall and sitting at the table.

Her head butler arrived with tea a moment after, pouring her a cup and adding 6 scoops of sugar, just how she liked it.

Then, he delivered an update.

“The Flicker that Lady Umarra captured has been processed. Here is a report on its attributes. The Tamer also wants you to know that the bonding ritual can start at any time.”

“Thank you.”

The Duchess took the sheet of paper from her butler, looking it over.

On it was an image of the six-legged winged wolf. She wasn’t particularly impressed by its stature or look. She had seen many and although this one was a bit more exotic, it wasn’t overly so.

What she worried about was the age and its type. Specifically the fact that it was a Knight type.

That meant that this Flicker would grow to be a powerful physical combatant. Such a thing was rather perfect for her daughter. Not only that but it had wings, and those weren’t there for show.

It was very possible that Umara would be able to use it as a mount in the future. At the very least, it would be capable of escaping with her, providing another lifeline.

However, there was another attribute that actually brought her a bit of surprise.

She looked one line below Knight, seeing the words: Sensitive Aura.

“How rare…”

She mumbled. A sensitive Aura meant that it was incredibly attuned to danger and had fantastic instincts. That would make it an entire level more capable than a mere Knight.

However, that also begged the question. How the hell did she manage to capture it?

The Duchess knew her daughter well. She couldn’t have done it alone, even considering the Flicker was young. But she also hadn’t spoken to her about what transpired during that hunt, so she didn’t know what cards she played, or how much help she got.

After glancing through the rest of the report, she decided that this was a worthy Flicker. So she looked back over at her butler.

“Where’s Umara?”

“The Lady is in the Atrium with Sir Cooper. Shall I summon her?”

“No. I’ll go see her.”

The Duchess stood and walked out of the dining hall, heading up a flight of stairs before approaching the doorway to the Atrium.

Funnily enough though, she saw her husband in that doorway. And he was hiding while eavesdropping through a crack in the door.

“What are you-”

“Sh! Come listen.”


She gave Ikhor a weird look before walking over silently. She even cast some magic, hiding their presence while amplifying the sound coming from within the atrium.

“...Flicker looked like a Knight type. You’re a warlock so it’ll be a good partner to have. Especially if it can use those wings. And if it grows more, you could ride that thing and cast spells from the sky.”

“That’s true…”


The Duchess heard some moving water. It seemed one or both of them were inside the pool.

But she could sense some hesitation from her daughter. And what she said next had her stumped.

“Hey, you should bond with the Flicker.”


“It’s a Knight, so it would be very valuable protection for you. You wouldn’t have to worry about Vetsmon or Feiden protecting you. It would be able to distract enemies while you shoot them.”

“Umara, I’m not taking your Flicker.”

“Who said it was mine? You’re the one who brought it down. I just drove the bike.”

“It was a gift to you from Mina. Besides, it’s your parents who are going to be paying for the process of bonding. I can’t have them pay for me, and I doubt I would have the money for something like that.”

“And if I told you not to worry about that?”

“I think you know that answer.”


The two went silent for a bit, leaving both of the eavesdropping parents feeling odd.

The Duchess hadn’t quite believed her daughter earlier when she said that John was so adamant about not letting her pay for things. After all, he still caved. What if it was just an act?

But hearing him now, she was having second thoughts. It was clear that he had drawn some lines.

Anybody else in that situation would be begging for the chance to bond with a Flicker, let alone have someone else pay for it. Who in their right mind would actually reject it when it was being handed to them?

Suddenly, after a few moments of silence, John laughed.

“Haha, don’t look so concerned. Look, if your mother approves of the Flicker, then just go bond with it.”

“But you should have it. It would do more for you than me.”

“~Not happening~.”

“Why not? Why do you always reject my help? This isn’t even that much of a money issue. I could have someone just find me another Flicker. You know the kind of power my family wields. So why?”

“Because I already have everything I need from you.”


There was some movement through the water in the midst of their silence. Then, John spoke in a hushed tone.

“You already know I’m not a big fan of all the charity I get. I don’t even care about the fact that some people expect something out of me later on. I’ve gotten a lot of help and I’m trying to get into the position of helping people instead. But beyond that, I don’t need your help because you are the only thing I really need. All I want from you, is to be by my side, and to keep getting stronger.”

“So all you want is for me to protect you?”

“No. I want you to get stronger for your own sake. So that I won’t ever have to worry about my girlfriend being in danger. And I would be very happy if you bonded with that Flicker because it would give me more peace of mind. That’s more valuable to me than another weapon.”

“...But you captured it.”

“Then consider it my first Christmas gift to you.”

“...Ugh! You know, sometimes you piss me off! You and that damn pride of yours! Why can’t you just take my help when I give it?!”

Duchess Talerria heard her daughter flail around, water getting kicked and splashed, John recoiling from the waves.

“Haha, you trying to get wet?”

“Just watch the hair- Ah!”


There was a squeal before both of them went underwater. John definitely didn’t watch the hair.

After that they both came back up, taking a few large breaths before laughing and play fighting for a bit.

At some point though, they went quiet. There was no talking, and little to no movement, but from the tidbits she picked up, the Duchess quickly realized what they were doing.


Ikhor barely stifled his laughter, causing his wife to roll her eyes.

“Alright, that’s enough. Umara!”

She announced, dissipating the spells and walking through the door.

After walking around some flora that blocked her view, she saw Umara and John in the water, no longer pressed together.

She looked at her daughters sopping wet hair and modest swimsuit before turning toward John and his shirtless body.

Yet another thing she didn’t believe her daughter on, yet seemed to be true. Despite not being a knight, those ripped, large muscles accentuated with some vascularity and scarring painted quite the comely picture.

She couldn’t help but glance at the abs once or twice, thinking that this definitely wasn’t what a summoner was supposed to look like.

She let off a small hum before looking back toward Umara, whose cheeks were a little rosy.

“The Flicker has been processed. If you wish to and if you’re able, you can bond with it. It’s available at any time, so make your decision and let me know.”


She was silent, pondering for a few seconds before looking back at John.

His brows raised.

“Don’t look at me. Do you want it?”


“Actually, I already know you do. Go get it.”



He clenched his abs as she threw a punch into his gut, making him chuckle a bit as she walked out of the pool.


I straightened my back after Umara threw her punch, looking at her back and activating my telepathy.

(I love you)

(I love you too, stupid.)

She responded without halting in her tracks.

I clicked my tongue, smiling while watching her figure.

Her swimsuit was a single piece that hugged her body, with a small frilly skirt going from her waist down to her high thighs. There were no bikinis in this world, go figure, and it didn’t reveal much skin aside from her arms and legs. But damn did she look good, especially when she combed her wet hair back, exposing the delicate pale nape of her neck.

I stared a bit before deciding to get out myself.

After cleaning up and heading down, everyone gathered for morning breakfast. Umara and I arrived after the food had been plated and laid out, the two of us sitting together, across from her sister who I gave a nod to when we sat.

And after everyone had eaten the bulk of their meal, Ikhor suddenly spoke.

“We have plans for today with the Raven Family. We’re due at the Races in two hours before transferring to a theater for a show and then their household later in the day for a party. In our absence the housekeepers will prepare for our family’s arrival. They’re coming tomorrow for the Christmas Eve celebration.”

“Oh, crap. I need to go shopping.”

Umara sat straight, suddenly remembering something.

The Duchess mumbled.

“You can buy gifts tomorrow. For now, we need to finish eating and then perform the bonding ritual.”

“Right now?”

“Yes. The sooner the better. We can’t keep this Flicker in captivity for long. Or are you not sure about it?”

“N-No, I am.”

“Then mentally prepare yourself. I’ll bring you to the holding area outside once you’re ready. I’ve already called the Tamer who will initiate the ritual, so when he gets here, we’ll begin.”


She nodded, letting out a small breath as I smiled.

After that, everyone took some time to finish before heading to the backyard. From there we entered a side building where the Flicker was being held.

The building itself was a storage area, and in the center was now a massive cage.

Inside that cage, the Flicker was huddling in a corner. The collar continued to restrain it as it looked up towards us.

The Tamer, who had arrived, entered with us and gave directions.

“Lady Umara, please step into the cage. The formation has already been drawn.”


She nodded and stepped through the door, entering the cage with the Flicker.

After that, a large formation on the floor of the cage glowed.

“The Flicker must choose you. It has already been weakened from its captivity, so you can either subdue it, or beckon it to accept you. Because this Flicker is sensitive to Aura, you should engage your own in order to open a certain level of emotional communication with it.”


Umara didn’t respond, simply opening her Aura and reaching out toward the Flicker with it.

Then, the collar on the Flicker opened and fell to the ground, releasing the creature.

Its figure flickered several times, as if stretching its body. But the cage around it prevented it from going anywhere or doing anything like teleporting.

Its body also tried to split and release clones, but that seemed to be suppressed as well.

It had no choice but to face Umara, who stood before it with regal bearing.

“Forming a bond with a human is built into a Flicker’s very instincts. This formation will bring out its desire. So whichever path you choose, it will either submit or accept.”

“...I don’t want to have to force you.”

Umara spoke, her Aura flaring. Ever since we practiced Telepathy, her own Aura had gotten much sharper, only behind my own.

And she spoke to it. She knew it could understand her, whether her words or emotions. Aura was an amazing tool that could convey messages through a variety of means.

“Come to me.”

She called, and the Flicker lifted its head toward her.

Then, it suddenly looked at me.

My eyebrows raised. Everyone could tell that its focus was on me. It had picked me out specifically.

Umara picked up on it too, and so she quickly spoke.

“Go to one of us. It doesn’t have to be me.”


I called out, shooting her a look.

But she didn’t mind it. She just let it happen.

And sure enough, the Flicker came walking toward me, its head bowed and eyes looking up, as if for approval.

Neither of the parents spoke, nor the Tamer. I wasn’t even within the cage, not within the formation that was supposed to be pushing the Flicker toward Umara. It wanted to disregard all of that and come to me instead.

And yet I looked down at it with a frown. I could feel its Aura drift toward me. It wanted to make contact. It wanted to bond. It seemed that function was built into its very soul.

However, when I sent my own Aura back at it, I merely made contact with its mind.

(I’m not going to accept you.)

I spoke those words, causing its faint excitement to dwindle significantly.

I continued.

(I’m not the one you should choose. If you’re worried about strength, then go to her. She has guaranteed talent. She will rise to the top of this world.)


It looked back at Umara with a glint in its eye. If a Flicker’s strength really was tied to its owner, then Umara’s talent was its own talent. If she were already guaranteed to rise to the top, then so would it.

But when it looked back at me, it didn’t look completely convinced, as if doubting whether her talent was greater than my own. After all, I was the one who subdued it.

I just scoffed.

(Don’t give me that look. She’s the best you could ever hope to get. You should be so lucky that I subdued you and not some other creature. And if you’re so intent on doing what I want, then walk your ass over to her. From now on, you will be her protection. You will be her strength. Your life will be tied to hers as she fights the Scourge. Our future battles will be difficult, so that’s what I want, and that means I won’t bond with you. So go. And if you’re not ready to protect her, then I question whether or not you’re even fit to be a companion at all.)


The Flicker looked up at me, slowly raising its body as I finished.

It stood tall, no longer so submissive as it had first been when it walked over to me.

I smiled as it shot me a sharp look. I had questioned it, doubted it. I hurt its pride.

It realized what I wanted from it.

I smirked.

(That’s right. We don’t need a cute dog to roll over for us. We need a fucking wolf that will rip the Scourge to shreds. So how about you show me whether or not you’re even worthy. Pup.)


The wolf bared its teeth, letting out a low growl as its Aura emanated anger.

I laughed as it turned and marched toward Umara, as if out of spite.

After approaching her, it pressed its head forward. Umara looked at me for a second before reaching out her hand.

After she placed her palm on its head, there was a flash of light.

The bond was made.

The Flicker disappeared after that, causing Umara to close her eyes.

It was a few seconds later that she opened them again, smiling.

“I did it!”

“The ritual is done.”

The Tamer spoke, the formation of the cage fading to darkness.

“From now on, you have a Companion Spirit. The bond it has with you is deeper than any other. It will follow your direction, but it is not your slave. How you control it is up to you, because now, you understand it best.”

“Yes, I can feel it.”

Umara nodded, and then, the Flicker reappeared, as if jumping out of her body.

It seemed rejuvenated, even a size bigger. And it immediately looked toward me, almost smirking.

I gave it a smile back.

“What’s up, Pup? Wanna fight?”


It bared its teeth again as Umara walked out of the cage.

I walked over as well, facing the wolf head on.

It continued to confront me, to growl and try to establish dominance.

So I bent down, getting close as if I didn’t care whether it lunged at me or not.

“Watch yourself, Pup. I’ll put you down just like I did last time. Except if I have to do it again, there will be a lot more blood.”


The wolf let out a sound and backed off a bit, making me smile.

I reached out and ruffled its head a bit, causing its tongue to fall out in happiness.

“Heh, good Pup.”

I stood and looked at Umara, who gave me a placid look.

I waved to the wolf.

“Well there you go. That wasn’t so hard. Now you have a lifelong companion.”

“Are you sure it isn’t yours?”

“You have the bond. You tell me.”

“Tsk. You should’ve just taken it.”

“At least you know I mean the things I say.”


The Duchess interrupted, stepping between us and looking at her daughter.

“I know this was fast, but congratulations. You’ll be much safer now with that by your side. Spend some time and think of a name for it. Becoming close with your companion is important.”

“Do you have a companion, Mrs. Duchess?”

I suddenly asked, causing the Duchess to turn to me and stare for a few seconds.

She nodded.

“I do. We’ve been companions for 22 years. I only received her after I entered the military.”

“Oh wow. You got her when I was born.”

“Tsk. You’re making me feel old.”

The Duchess clicked her tongue with a smile and walked out of the storage building, making me chuckle.

After that, we all prepared for our date with the Raven Family. The bonding ritual didn’t take long, so we took our time before boarding a carriage.

Like last time, we used the city’s teleporter in order to travel.

Apparently, the Raven Family had very close ties with the Talerria Family. They were both Dukedoms and had been allied for a very long time.

Though the Talerria Dukedom had publicly risen above the Ravens over time through their acquisition of the City of Joffrun, it was the Talerrias who owed their initial rise to the Ravens. The Ravens had an even longer history, famous as neutral parties, yet were always consistent with their talent.

The Talerria Family was a warlock family. Ikhor being married into it was actually one of the few times they ever received knightley talent. But the Raven Family was, through and through, a knight family.

They had their own style of martial arts and everything. In fact, they had created one for every major weapon, like the sword, spear, axe, bow, and even knives. They also had techniques for movement and other varieties of useful skills.

It was more appropriate to call them a martial sect. And in fact, they had a famous school of martial arts. It wasn’t on the level of the Magisterium, but that was only because they strictly accepted knights.

Their achievements and renown were the highest in their field, despite only being a Dukedom. Yet this seemed to beg a question.

If they were so great, why hadn’t they produced an Authority 12?

That might make it seem like I was expecting too much, but as far as I knew, Grand Dukedoms also raised consistent talent. It might seem absurd for Authority 12’s to be produced consistently, but that’s how humanity managed to survive the Scourge. Or so I’m led to believe.

Either way, to be the best with martial arts, I expected the best kind of status to follow. Apparently that wasn’t the case.

Not that I would ask about it. To say something like that to them would be incredibly insulting to their entire family line.

Just a cursory thought of mine. Besides, I was more curious about these races. Would it be like horse or greyhound racing? I couldn’t wait to find out.



This chapter was 10/10. I so want to hear the duchess pov on her daughter’s bonding. It definitely seemed out of the ordinary.

Grey Knight Lord

Lame. I would have instantly take it for myself, but that makes me greedy don’t it.