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*Ding Ding!*


*Ding Ding!*

“Aw hell no…”

I grunted as my Aerial sounded its alarm.

Even worse than the alarm was the horrid headache that came with waking up.

Thankfully, it didn’t seem like a hangover headache. More like a, I’ve been dehydrated for an entire day, kind of headache.

And the urge to drain the snake was overpowering, so I couldn’t even bother with my desire to sleep lest I soil the bed.

So I ran to the bathroom, relieving myself before walking out and pouring myself some water.

I felt like I downed an entire gallon, because when I was done I almost threw up.

Given some more time though, I was able to digest and start feeling a bit better.

And not long after me, Umara woke up and went through the exact same process.

After about half an hour, we both sat on the floor of the kitchen against some cupboards, staring off into space, recalling the events of the previous night.

At some point, I spoke.

“You dropped me down the stairs.”

“I-I twisted my ankle.”

“You sang on stage.”

“You built a pillow fort for the bartender to sleep in!”

“Hey, that was cool and I regret nothing. And he couldn’t sleep in it because you threw up in it.”


She cried out while burying her red face in her knees.

“I want to die! Just bury me in my grave!”

“Hey now, it’s not like they knew who you were, though they will in fact remember it for the rest of their lives, just like I will.”


She fell over, bundling up while pulling out her robes and hiding under it.

I laughed and laid on top of her, wrapping her body up.

We stayed like that for a while until I felt something nag at me in the back of my mind.

I lifted my wrist and checked the time, seeing that it was already evening.

I panicked and asked.

“Hey, what time did your mother say the Rail left?”


Umara froze before shifting around.

“...30 minutes.”


I cursed and jumped up.

“We gotta go!”

“I need my chest! All my stuff is at the Magisterium!”


I jumped out of the kitchen and grabbed anything I could think of before throwing it into my own chest and picking it up.

Then I ran over to Umara, lowering my back.

“Get on!”


She crawled up. With a twisted ankle she couldn’t run, so I just decided to carry her on my back.

And with my chest in hand, I ran out the door while having Umara call a carriage.

I saw it while running through the lobby.

“I’ll see you later, Key Master!”

“Have a good trip, John!”

He waved while we barged out the lobby doors, seeing the carriage roll up.

I jumped in and gave the destination, paying a bit extra for some extra speed.

So we steamrolled through the streets and came upon the Magisterium where once again jumped out with Umara on my back, running to her room.

Thankfully we had prepared for something like this to happen, so she had packed most of her things.

With just a minute or so we were right back out, running back to the carriage before getting on our way to the Terminal.

Unfortunately it still took a while to get to the outskirts of the city. When we arrived, we only had 5 minutes left before departure.

Umara’s legs were locked around my waist as she carried her chest above her head and I carried my own in front of me, all while running. It was a good thing both of us were stronger from the tempering.

And after some searching, I saw our Rail.

The last few people were being let on.

“Hey! Wait for us!”

“Don’t go!”

We shouted while running across the terminal, catching many eyes, but most importantly, catching the ticket guy’s eyes.

He looked at us weirdly from the doorway of the Rail car.

I held out my tickets, which he took and snipped.

“Welcome. You’re just in time.”

“Ah, thank God.”

I let out a relieved breath as we walked on.

After letting us on the ticket guy closed the door. After that we were allowed to make our way to our designated car.

It was a nicer one with a bunch of private rooms, thankfully. So after we found our room, we settled in and sighed.

I set Umara down on one of the small bunk beds and took a spot next to her.

She grunted while lifting her leg.

“Damn, that hurts.”

“Let me see it.”

I reached over, lifting her leg and resting it on my lap as she laid down.

She was still in her shoes from before, some fancy slippers that went with her dress. So I took it off, along with a small sock.

She covered her face with her hands, peeking through her fingers with reddened ears.

“I-I think it’ll be fine. You don’t have to really look at it.”

“I’m checking how bad it is.”

“B-But my feet smell! You don’t have to!”

“I held your hair as you vomited inside my pillow fort.”


She let out a weird embarrassed moan as I ignored her, checking her foot and ankle.

Besides, she actually didn’t smell that bad. Because of the magic crap, people in this world had better bodies and didn’t smell nearly as bad, or at least, it took longer to smell like how people did on Earth

Basically, body odor was much lighter and so I didn’t mind it at all. If anything, her unique scent smelled rather nice. It wasn’t so much an odor as it was an aroma, and it generally came from her entire body, something I’d noticed after spending a lot of time with her. I even noticed my own odor and realized how much better it was.

It was still fun to see her so embarrassed though as I inspected her ankle.

It was definitely twisted. It was twice as fat as normal and there was a bit of discoloration, but from the places I massaged to gauge her reactions, nothing seemed broken. She could also move it, albeit painfully, so nothing was torn either.

Just a strain, but given who she was, there was no reason she couldn’t get looked and expedite the healing process.

After a bit of thought, I took out a cigar and lit it, handing it to her while taking out one of my own.

Both of us let out breaths of smoke, feeling waves of rejuvenation flood our bodies. It also eased her ankle pain.

And for a while I decided to just massage her leg, going from her foot to her calf and avoiding the hurt areas.

She gradually relaxed until she let out contented sighs. I could feel her watch me as she lay there, but I kept my eyes down and simply let her do as she wanted.

And after doing one leg, I couldn’t ignore the other. With more freedom, I massaged her other foot, ankle, and calf.

I was firm yet gentle with it, sometimes caressing, sometimes relieving pressure and stress through her muscles. I worked my way up bit by bit, going with and against her blood flow until I felt all knots disappear and turn her legs into butter.

Of course, I didn’t take it much farther than that, otherwise we would be entering dangerous territory.

It was unfortunate but both of us knew that there was a certain line we couldn’t cross. Still, we generally decided to ignore that yet keep it in the back of our mind as we gradually pushed closer and closer to it over time.

And it wasn’t like kissing was ever inadequate, just that both of us wanted a bit more.

Holding back was difficult, but it was in our best interests, and so we both made do. If it was for our relationship, then we would continue until we no longer had to.

Just as I started to think that and finish my massage, I felt Umara grab my arm and pull me down beside her.

She planted her lips on mine after setting aside her cigar, giving me a slow, passionate kiss.

My brain was clouded until she pulled away, both of us opening our eyes and looking into each other’s.

She muttered with a rosy face.

“I love you.”


I almost recoiled at her words. They were far from expected and I was stunned into silence.

Was it even okay to say something like that? Not to mention how we’ve only been in a relationship for three months, it was also under quite the scrutiny.

But then again, why did I give a damn?

Once I properly processed what she was saying, my mind was filled with so much love for this girl that I instinctively gave her another kiss before muttering the same thing.

“I love you too.”


She moaned as we continued to kiss, and for a moment, I almost decided to throw away all reservations and push things forward in the heat of the moment.

But I knew better. My mind was too clear to allow itself to be that clouded. Once again, I reiterated to myself how keeping things right here was not just safe, but beneficial for us.

It didn’t help that she had brought us yet again one step closer to that line. There was nothing more we could do short of getting married that would advance our relationship any farther.

Despite that, I could tell that she got more heated as we continued in the small bed. Her grinding, the intensity, it all told me that she was pushing.

Man, she was really making this difficult for me. Not that I could blame her. The heat of passion was an addictive drug. The only reason I wasn’t succumbing to it was due to the power of my mind that elevated me above the fleshly desires of my brain, to some extent.

Not even being piss drunk could completely fog my mind. I found that out last night at the Gala.

And so, I was the one who had to exercise some restraint for both of us. Taking control, I rolled and got her off me before forcefully separating.

She watched me with clouded eyes for a bit before her red face shifted into worry.

“Do you not want to? I-I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to-”

“No no.”

I put my hand on her face and stopped her lips with my thumb, smiling.

“God knows that there is very, very little keeping me from tearing off your clothes right now. Hell, I’m about to tear through my own, but we both know that we can’t, not right now.”

“...What if I don’t care?”

I could feel her squirm underneath me as she bit her lip, her thighs brushing against my rock solid pants.

I almost laughed, my remaining sanity barely keeping me in check.

“What if it’s for us? For our future?”

“We can do both.”

“Can we? You know better than I. What would it really mean for us to have sex right now? I don’t give a damn what anyone else thinks and hate the other nobles a lot more than you do, but if it keeps them in check, then I’m willing to wait. The future could hold a lot more. How much will doing this take away?”


She didn’t respond, going from pondering to frowning.

Through the horny, she started to get agitated before the anger surged.

“Agh! Dammit! Stupid fucking old assholes! Why should we have to care?! Can they not just keep to themselves?! My life is my own! I’m not some political benefit just so some elderly bitch can use my mother for their own gain!”

She stood out of bed as she started yelling, her arms flailing and knocking stuff over.

I just watched, even as the air was kicked up with magic.

She was pissed and I had no intention of stifling that. I was angry too. Even more so than her.

If anything, I was glad she was angry. Unfortunately, our lives weren’t our own to dictate, not yet.

We would need do develop more power so that someday, we could tell them all to go fuck themselves.

At that time, we could fuck whenever we damn pleased.

Suddenly, Umara turned to me.

“Do you know why? Why we can’t do this? Do you know how they’ll take away our future?”


I sat straight and asked. I was genuinely curious, because she did in fact know better than me.

She let out a sharp breath.

“My virginity. If you took it, then I would become less valuable to any suitors. But that doesn’t help us. It would only mean that they can push the boundaries farther. I become little more than a product at that point, and because of that, they have all the more reason to simply kill you and marry me off. And there’s nothing my mother would be able to do if you’re dead. No matter how long it took, they would get what they want.”

“...I see.”

My response was succinct. I didn’t realize that, but it made sense.

Virginity was important, especially for women. That was simply how it was in these noble societies. And I knew that, but I didn’t know what getting rid of that would do to us.

Now I knew. It would only give them more leverage, more reason to kill me and take Umara.

The Duchess could withhold her daughter because she was valuable. But if her value went down, then she couldn’t, especially if I wasn’t there to be a living excuse.

In short, having sex would kill me.

How fun.

I sighed, standing up and hugging my enraged girlfriend.

“Alright, let’s readjust our position. We can’t do anything now but that doesn’t mean we have to give them control over us. Let’s think of it like this. We’ll wait to have sex until we’re married. Then, all we have to do is exercise some restraint until that day comes. Nobody will be able to say that we didn’t do something because we were afraid of them.”

“...Okay. I agree.”

“Good. Now let’s cheer you up. I don’t like seeing you so mad.”

“It’s not my fault.”

“I know it’s not. And I’m sorry I can’t do more.”

I rubbed her back as she started to calm down.

“One day we’ll be able to do whatever we want. As long as you’re willing, we’ll work toward that together.”

“I-I did just say that I love you, right? I thought that was a given.”

“And I love you too. But I’m not gonna lie and say I don’t have small doubts.”

“About what?”

She looked up at me, worry painted across her face.

I scratched my head.

“I’ve had a couple relationships in the past, and even though I thought they loved me, even after they said it, they still left. I just get worried that as time goes on, things might change.”


She looked down, thinking for a few seconds before raising her head back up.

“Then like on the battlefield, I’ll prove to you that you can trust me.”

“No. I already trust you. I love you. And I’ll keep loving you, so long as I’m not alone in that.”

“You won’t be. In fact…”

She pushed herself up, giving me a quick kiss, red blooming across her cheeks.

“W-When we get married, I’ll make you feel stupid for ever having doubts.”

“Oh my. I can’t wait. Because we’ll get to do some other stuff too once that happens.”

“Y-y-you’re just doing this for my body?”

“Well you are the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen.”

I grinned and leaned down, kissing her neck and making her hands tighten around my back.

“B-Bad… Bad guy!”

“Come on. I won’t be able to kiss you so much while we’re at your parent’s house. We’ll need to get in enough for a few days.”

“That's t-true. S-so stop licking my neck!”




Is it me or is it hot in here. 🥵 Turns out my office is stuffy and it wasn’t me