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“Check the dungeon? Only major dungeons exist, and no offense, but I don’t believe a Tier 6 carries enough insurance to traverse that place with baggage.”

Pandora chimed in with concern. Dirk was thinking the same thing.

Ever since the Advent of the Dark Dragon, all minor dungeons disappeared, and all major dungeons began spewing out monsters. The accepted theory was that the major dungeons consumed the minor dungeons and then expelled those monsters, making the major dungeons extremely difficult to approach with hordes surrounding them.

Regardless of that though, the major dungeons were still major dungeons. The minimum strength of a monster within those dungeons was Tier 3, while the strongest was Tier 7. Those dungeons were the most dangerous places in the world, and wasn’t a place even Dirk and Pandora could traverse lightly.

Not even Ethan Strider, a Marshal of the Horizon Empire and a Teir 6 fire swordsman, could guarantee his life in that dungeon let alone the baggage that was Dirk and Pandora.

Ethan only nodded at Pandora.

“That’s true. I’ve only been in a major dungeon a few times, and each time involved at least one life or death battle. Even now I wouldn’t wish to go alone, especially on a scouting mission. But there’s someone who’s going to be joining us. A Grand Marshal.”

“A Tier 7? If that were the case, then I wouldn’t mind. But for what reason do you need to scout the dungeons anyway? Without defeating the King, there aren’t any special rewards. Unless you’re looking for particular monster types for their resources.”


Ethan hummed, gazing at Pandora for a while as if debating whether or not to answer. This made her smile brightly, as she did whenever she broached a conspiracy.

“This must be an order from your Emperor, especially if he’s sending your Grand Marshals. I haven’t attained much intelligence myself of the major dungeons, but it seems as if the expulsion of the monster hordes isn’t the only change that’s taken place in this world. On top of the unnatural increase in capable mages amongst the common people, I guess I need to send some people out to do reconnaissance. Mm, I think I need to contact someone later today.”


Ethan began to frown oddly, as if Pandora just learned something she shouldn’t have.

Dirk just sighed though. Pandora was really good at jumping to conclusions, and each time it seemed to be on the dot. Then again, her mind was all over the place. She wouldn’t have an issue believing the most outrageous developments.

Ethan let out a slightly frustrated breath.

“...If you don’t want to come, then please rest here.”

“No no, I would love to take up your offer. It’ll be a good learning experience, as I’ve only been in a major dungeon once. What about you, Dirk? Have you ever been in a major dungeon?”

“Take a wild guess.”

“That’s a no then.”

She chuckled at Dirk’s curt response.

“Then we shall go. Please notify us when your Grand Marshal arrives. I’m sure such a person doesn’t wait for anyone, so we’ll be rested and ready when the time comes.”


Ethan resigned himself and just agreed.

Not long after, the time came to retire. With the reinforcements, the city was finally able to rest easy for the first time in many weeks.

Marshal Strider’s captains reported the situation all night, getting an idea of what had happened.

In the end, they found out that approximately 82% of the city’s initial population had died. The remainder were troops and able citizens who had held out day after day.

Nothing remained of the previously prosperous city. It was a nightmare. The only thing that would have been worse was utter obliteration.

Ethan received these reports and couldn’t help but become a bit sorrowful. In his mind, he compared it to the other cities that had been saved.

Among those that had survived sieges by monsters, this was by far the worst.

Some were able to stave off the monsters, building a teleporter before monster generals had grown and launched catastrophic attacks.

Other cities were able to wipe out the monster hordes.

The city of Keleran though, for how significant and massive of a city it was, experienced the worst of the monster hordes. Located near a major dungeon and accidentally acting as a beacon with the Tier 7 mana crystal, they were now by far the most devastated city, especially when it came to death count.

It couldn’t even be considered a city any longer.


The next day, Ethan saluted the teleporter.

The Grand Marshal had come.

“Welcome, Grand Marshal Vincent.”

“Marshal Strider.”

Grand Marshal Vincent, a woman garbed in fitted clothes that seemed to be made from the leather of a dragon, and adorned with a frightening set of large knives, nodded to Ethan as she left the teleporter.

A Grand Marshal was a Tier or Rank 7, and in the Horizon Empire, Tier 7’s were afforded a certain level of nobility, especially if they were loyal and had contributed significantly to the Empire.

Grand Marshal Vincent, being a Grand Marshal of the Empire’s military, was naturally a Marquess as well. Ethan was also familiar with this woman, as was his father Ryker.

It was why Vincent smiled at Ethan, showing familiarity instead of acting strict like what normal rank differences warranted.

“I’ve received the reports. Let’s walk as we talk.”

Vincent motioned with a graceful turn, and Ethan followed her out of the castle.

They entered the ruined city, and saw many soldiers and civilians running around with various tasks. Compared to the previous days though, they were much less busy. Most were resting or getting treated inside the castle.

Vincent saw all of this, and remembered the reports she had read the previous night.

“I’ve only experienced devastation like this twice, and both times were during the Bloody War around half a century ago. To think I’d have to see it again… Marshal Strider, do you know how many cities have been annihilated so far since the dawn of War Cataclysma?”

Ethan sifted through his memories at her question, eventually shaking his head.

“I don’t recall ever hearing about an annihilated city.”

“That's because there has yet to be one. Through the Emperor’s foresight and our advances in teleporter technology, we were able to create a network of teleporters across the entire Empire and transport troops wherever they were needed. This is a perfect example of teleporters saving a city. It’s a shame that it had only been constructed now. Otherwise, we could have saved this city before it reached this level of ruin.”


Ethan closed his eyes and nodded.

Hundreds of thousands of people had been eaten alive in this city. Even now, there were mountains of bodies and corpses strewn throughout the entire city. Both human and monster.

It was a gruesome sight. One could only imagine the atrocities that had been experienced here.

The two stared out at the city for a while. Eventually, they were approached by the city lord.

Vincent sighed as she gazed at the City Lord.

“Marquess Baren. What you did for this city won’t be forgotten or unrewarded. I’m only sorry that your reward can’t be repairing your body and reclaiming your previous glory.”

“Grand Marshal Vincent, I’m only happy that we were able to survive at all. I won’t say that I’m not devastated, but this also won’t stop me. I have plans to work in the capital after this. Anything to help in the war effort.”

“...You’re a good man, Baren.”

Vincent closed her eyes for a moment before opening them with sharpness.

“Now, I have business with the major dungeon here, but there’s one thing I must do first. Where is the dark mage who was assigned to the teleporter?”


The City Lord froze up at the question. Not because he was surprised, but because of the twisted frown and rage emanating from Vincent.

“...He’s currently in a room of the castle.”

“Good. Marshal Strider.”

“Awaiting orders.”

Ethan automatically straightened up as Vincent spoke with hate in her voice.

“The dark mage is now marked for execution for treason against the Empire and the mass murder of everyone who died in this city. Retrieve the pig immediately and bring him here so he can be slaughtered.”

“...I understand.”

Ethan rushed off without question as Vincent turned to stare into the distance.

She gazed at all the bodies, monster and human, and imagined the weeks of endless battle and torment.

All the sorrow of losing comrades. The terror of everyone who was eaten by the invading monsters. The empty eyes of those who survived.

Her blood boiled, knowing something the others would discover soon enough.


Pandora titled her head as she looked at the twisted face of the Grand Marshal.

Dirk’s was beside her, also focused on this person of unchallengeable might.

“She’s really mad. I wonder why? She called for the dark mage, that coward who should have been fighting. Maybe he did something?”


The two shrugged, then approached the Grand Marshal.

The Grand Marshal’s face was passive as she turned her attention to them. Even then though, her gaze was focused on Pandora.

“Vampire Princess.”

“Grand Marshal Revela Vincent, of the Vincent Family. The only one after her father to rise to the level of a Marquess. It’s a pleasure.”

Pandora nodded with a bright smile, garnering no response from the Grand Marshal.

The Grand Marshal stared at Pandora for a second more before looking at Dirk.

This time, her brow raised in what seemed like approval.

“I’ve never seen someone as young as you with such a concealed aura. I can’t read any of your intentions. It’s a frightening level of control. Impressive, Dirk Strider.”


Dirk was silent as his gaze rested on the Grand Marshal.

Yet another person he couldn’t win against. He could already see it. Her body was abnormally strong. His intuition could sense the danger she posed. And interestingly, there wasn’t an ounce of cultivated mana in her body. Instead, her body was shrouded with a thick layer of fog, anima that Dirk couldn’t see through.

As Dirk was silent and evaluating the woman in front of him, the City Lord took a spot by her side.

“Grand Marshal, Dirk Strider was actually the only reason we survived so long. He alone was able to fend off thousands of monsters, helping our entire army last several more days. He also assassinated the monster generals before they could grow. If not for him, we would have fallen before the teleporter could be built.”

“Is that so…”

The Grand Marshal smiled a bit.

“If that’s the case, then a reward is in order. However, the only rewards we can currently give are titles of nobility equal to your power or equivalent positions in the military. Dirk Strider, if your skills are anything like your mother’s, then I can make you a Knight Commander right now, which is a position only Tier 5’s can attain. How about it? Would you like to join your brother in the Empire’s military?”


Pandora smiled a bit wider hearing the offer, nudging Dirk with a smirk.

“An offer to become a soldier! They’ve seen your skills, Dirk. You’ll become a renowned assassin, the best at killing. Sent all over the Empire to remove the threats to their peace and safety. You’ll be cultivated and developed, sent on mission after mission, executing target after target…”

“Shut up, now.”


Pandora hummed with her same smile as Dirk snapped. On his face was a frown, confusing the Grand Marshal.

More than that though, the Grand Marshal was shocked at Dirk’s unrestrained attitude with the Vampire Princess. Though, the fact that such a high profile girl was here at all was a mystery in itself.

Letting out a breath, Dirk gave the answer he instantly decided on.

“Sorry, Grand Marshal Vincent. I’m not interested in joining the military.”

“Really? Might I ask why?”

Pandora chimed in Dirk’s stead.

“Unfortunately, Grand Marshal, that’s a super big secret that we can’t tell you about. After all, it involves the fate of the world! And Dirk here is my partner who’s here to help me along through these arduous times.”

Pandora snuggled against Dirk’s arm, earning her a hand that pushed her face away.

The Grand Marshal watched weirdly as Dirk kept pushing the clingy Pandora.

What the hell was their relationship?

She had heard about what happened at the Dark Kingdom, with Dirk’s shocking relationship with Pandora being the focal point. Even now she could see the sign of their blood pact on his neck. It was the royal seal of the Dark Kingdom, and a sign that stated Dirk was equal to the princess herself. It was light by no means.

The only reason his existence hasn’t created waves of controversy in the upper echelons of the Empire was because not many knew about it. She happened to be one because of her own relationships with certain Dukes and her station in the military.

“Grand Marshal!”

Suddenly, there was a shout.

Ethan appeared, and behind him were two soldiers who restrained the dark mage.

The dark mage was baffled, his face full of fear and desperation.

“Grand Marshal! I’m innocent! My only job was to construct the teleporter! I don’t understand what’s going on!”


The Grand Marshal snarled as she laid eyes on the dark mage. She refused to even call him by his name.

“City Lord.”


The City Lord turned to her, expecting answers.

Her furious gaze remained on the mage.

“I noticed as soon as I teleproted here. The Tier 7 dark mana crystal was given to you in its housing, and in the housing is an alarm that indicates when it has been tampered with. This alarm reached out to my Grand Marshal Seal upon arrival. It told me that someone of Tier 6 power attempted to remove the crystal, but failed. And there is only one person in this place, who is a dark mage, and Tier 6.”

The Grand Marshal drew one of her blades, a long knife that was attached to a chain.

She pointed the knife at the mage’s face, her horrifyingly dense aura not allowing the mage to speak.

The City Lord was likewise mortified, but not because of her aura.

“It was tampered with approximately three weeks ago. And I already know exactly what happened. This filth tried to take the crystal and escape. But in the process, he only damaged the housing for the crystal. The result was several more weeks of work to repair his damage and get the teleporter functioning. Even now though, it barely works. I noticed unnatural turbulence when coming here. We will have to request a Tier 7 dark mage to fix his damage. Thankfully though he was at least able to get reinforcements here. Otherwise, he alone would have been responsible for this city’s annihilation.”

“Oh my…”

Pandora was surprised, looking at the dark mage with a raised brow. She didn’t seem angry about it though, merely looking at it like a drama.

Dirk, on the other hand, wasn’t as nonchalant.

As the Grand Marshal spoke, something within him… tightened. He was no stranger to war, but the battles he fought were special. He had never experienced something like this, where someone’s greed and cowardice resulted in the downfall of so many people.

Even in a time of battle, this mage tried to escape with the city’s only hope. If he had just constructed the teleporter like normal, so many people would have survived.

It was the most unthinkable thing, yet Dirk was seeing such a person in front of him.

This weak, cowardly, disgusting man, had nearly destroyed a city.

It made Dirk think of two things.

One, such weakness was revolting.

And two, such a person doesn’t deserve to live.

For a moment, he was about to lunge forward and end the pig’s life himself.

But before he could, the Grand Marshal slowly pushed her blade into the mage's mouth.

She twisted it around, ignoring the man’s gurgles and screams.

“You killed all those who died here. Not the monsters. You. Every single man, woman, and child who died is blood on your hands. I don’t know why you tampered with the crystal. But I don’t care. The damage that only you could have caused is the reason why they’re dead. So it doesn’t matter whether it was your stupidity, your greed, or your fear that made you do what you did. You will pay for your actions with your life.”

The Grand Marshal pulled back her knife, before pushing it toward the man’s stomach.

Before she could though…

Dirk sensed a burst of dark mana, and the mage moved across space.



The Grand Marshal cursed, her head turning toward the distance.

The mage struggled in the restraints that he had been bound with by Ethan. The Grand Marshal was just about to run over there, but someone beat her to it.

She saw Dirk void walk to the mage.

He appeared right beside him, and with lightning quick movements, he sliced the tendons in the mage’s arms and legs.

Dirk didn’t have any visible eyes, but his gaze made the mage shiver. Dirk’s aura felt abnormal, eerie.

It was rage, but it was horrifyingly quiet.

With a wave of his hand, Dirk summoned four metal arrows and let them drop. They nailed each of the mage’s limbs down, causing him to scream, though he couldn’t move around or struggle much.

The Grand Marshal, who was about to jump over there, slowly rose from her stance, her cold eyes gazing at the mage and Dirk.


She called, and Dirk’s head turned. For a moment, she too felt that eerie gaze, but she ignored it.

“Monsters aren’t the only ones with valuable cores. Every mage cultivates a mana core of various types. For you who wields the dark element, the crystallized mana formation attached to his ribcage is a great material for study.”


Dirk turned back to the mage, who had irrepressible fear in his eyes.

Unfortunately, Dirk’s knife dropped without hesitation or mercy.


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