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Victoria led Issac from the third floor to the fourth floor. This wasn't his parent's bedroom, but an extra space the family used as a storage area. It had all kinds of items from children's clothes to pieces of artwork.

When the two walked in, they found Max already there. Issac saw his father leaning on a metal table, staring off into space. He glanced at them when they entered. Victoria nodded.

Then, when the door to the floor shut, Max hit a button on the table. There was a buzzer sound, and Issac watched as sheets of metal covered the walls, ceiling, and windows, sealing this room from the outside world.

Issac wasn't surprised seeing this. His parents had shown him this function before. It was a kind of emergency security feature they would use in the case of something like a natural disaster. However, it had yet to ever be used. Now, it was being activated after many years. Issac couldn't help but wonder what was going on.

When the security measures were entirely activated, the table Max leaned on lit up. There was now a single blue dot that hovered in the air above the center of the table. It was a hologram, a piece of technology Issac didn't see very often aside from inside the laboratory where he worked.

"Issac, how much do you know about what your father used to do?"

Victoria suddenly spoke. Issac pondered for a second.

"He used to be a soldier, one who fought in a mech. I know he fought for Anthony's dad, but I'm not sure about the details."

"Mm. You're right about most of that. Only, your father didn't fight for the general. He fought alongside him."

Victoria corrected this seemingly inconsequential detail. She then looked toward her husband who stared at the blue dot above the table.

He let out a light breath.

"I was a soldier who fought for the Syndicated Star Command of Humanity, otherwise known as the SSC. It was while I was fighting in the human military that I met Anthony's father, Cornelius Hayle. He used to be a mere officer, but he rose to become an admiral of the SSC, taking control of his own fleet and becoming the governing military power of several colonies. I also rose along with him. Issac, I don't believe I've ever told you about echelon rankings, have I?"


"Then listen close."

Suddenly, Max tapped the floating blue light. It flashed before bringing up a myriad of displays with all kinds of information on it. After tapping a few displays, a list was brought up.

"You know how there are many who have powers? Well, the SSC developed certain levels that powers are classified by. They're called Echelons. There are three main Echelon types. The first is Catastrophe types, and anyone in this echelon has a power that is destructive in nature. The second is Support types, and these levels contain everyone whose power can support others. The last is Auxillary, and these powers don't support or destroy, instead granting more unique utility abilities.

"For now I'll just tell you the most prominent echelons, the Catastrophe types. From the least catastrophic to greatest, the echelons are Personal, Tactical, and Strategic. There are four divisions in each echelon that further divide based on power. Cornelius had an actual power of a Strategic Echelon Division 4, meaning he's at the low end of the Strategic Echelon. That's also just about his full potential. As for me, I'm also a Strategic Echelon, only I'm Division 2. He's got the brains though, so he was the leader I fought with for a long time."

Max sighed a bit as a feeling of nostalgia overcame him. He then sharpened up, tapping the displays again. A picture of the Milky Way Galaxy appeared.

"I'm sure Anthony told you, but Cornelius has just recently discovered a massive planetary deposit of Dark Matter, rich veins of Black Iron present in just the initial scans. Technically, he's still an admiral of the SSC, so he should be reporting this to the Fleet Admiral. After that, the finding would be discussed and verified before the SSC tasked special industrial teams to secure and begin extraction on the planet. However, the SSC has many moving and independent parts. If Cornelius went the official way, another admiral or corporation might get wind and try to snatch the extraction rights from under his nose. So, he's planning on taking it upon himself to secure and lock down the planet. Only after he has full control over it will he pass this information over. By then though, they'll have no choice but to let him have full dominion over the planet's extraction and security.

"The end result is massive profits. He receives all commission for extraction and nobody would be able to wrestle away a piece of the pie. With that money he'll expand his fleets and armies, becoming a more powerful force for the SSC and thus ensuring nobody can threaten his position. The plan is solid, but the risk lies in the time it takes for him to lock down the planet. Since he doesn't have the power to totally control it yet, he needs a quick and thorough boost in combat strength. This is where you come in, Issac."

Max turned to his son, a solemn light in his eye. Issac had also turned serious.

"Cornelius wants a trustworthy Dark Technician who will retrofit his entire mech division. Other than your mother, there's nobody better he knows than you who is best friends with his son. You also don't have any kind of renown and your young age would make you inconspicuous. While he won't pay you a fortune, you will have absolutely no problems with money after this job. After all, he's planning to invest most of what he has into this operation of his.

"The problem comes with what you're being pulled into. If you agree to this, you're going to be drawn into a planetary level military operation. I don't believe that Cornelius will be able to keep things secret for long, so there will be much conflict between him and other interested parties. And in such military operations, Dark Technicians are the ones with the biggest targets on their backs. Take out the technician, and you cripple an army's mech force. I'm sure you understand this logic."


Issac nodded. Suddenly, the entire situation was becoming quite a bit more dangerous than he thought it would be. All this information was creating a grand outline for Issac, but the only thing filling it was danger and risk. The most adventurous thing Issac had ever done was fight for the right to start his own projects in the lab, and maybe explore the city as well. This was far beyond anything he knew.

After a few seconds of silence, Victoria suddenly stepped in.

"Issac, we're telling you this because we want you to know exactly what's being offered to you. However, to your father who used to be a soldier and to me who used to be his technician, we understand that at some point, you'll need to grow. Honestly, we believe that this operation is an opportunity for you. But we're also not stupid, and we know that you're nowhere near ready to enter such a world. Sure, you're a fine Dark Technician, but you also have the ability to wield great power. If you want to enter that world, you'll need to grow into that potential of yours. So, we have a proposal of our own for you."

Victoria tapped the displays. After typing in a name and some numbers, the view of the galaxy zoomed in and stopped on a certain planet. This planet was lush with green land and blue oceans, a few massive structures pointing off its surface.

"This place is called the Mantle, and the entire planet is dedicated to the training and production of Dark Technicians, mech pilots, Echelons, powerful administrators, generals, scientists, and the best of our galactic human race. However, there's a certain special detail about this planet. Humanity's main governing body is called the Galactic Earth Dominion, or the GED, and it holds jurisdiction over all human controlled star systems. But I'm sure you've heard of two of the other galactic civilizations, the Aatrix and the Zandran."


Issac nodded. Alongside Humanity, the Aatrix were a humanoid species that had spread among the stars. The Zandran were the same. These three races were known as the three galactic civilizations that dominated the galaxy just about equally, each holding the other in check. While the power of each race was widely debated, that was the current state of the galaxy.

Victoria continued.

"Well, the Mantle is actually jointly funded and operated by the GED, Aatrix Coalescence, and Zandran Initiative. It is a nexus containing the best among each race and easily the most competitive learning institution in the entire galaxy. Each race fights to be the smartest and strongest there, and it is a hub for massive technological development. Not even the military academy on Earth, the capital planet of the entire human race, can match the competitive environment there. I would know. After all, I went to both."

Victoria spoke that last part with a proud smile. Issac was surprised.

"You went there?"

"Yes! Your father is a Strategic Echelon, so how else would I have become his technician?"

"You were his technician? How does that work?"

Issac asked curiously. Victoria and Max looked at each other.

Max smirked a bit.

"Mechs have to be upgraded and maintained as the pilot becomes more powerful. This takes increasingly smart and even powerful Dark Technicians, and there are extremely few mech pilots who are also technicians, so they go to others. Once upon a time, I was barely able to snatch a ticket to go to the Mantle, and it was there where I met your mother. It was only when she transferred from the military academy on Earth to the Mantle that we found each other. In the later years in the Mantle, she had been my technician a few times, and when we both transferred back to Earth to enlist in the SSC, she became my personal technician since only she could keep up with my growth. We went through many battlefields together."

"Gosh, I almost miss those days. Almost."

Victoria let out a melancholic breath as she and Max looked at each other. They both seemed to reminisce their many years together fighting through peril and adversity.

Issac just stood there, looking between them both with a raised eyebrow. Eventually, Victoria snapped out of her nostalgia.

"Anyway, Issac, we believe that this would be a good place for you. You're a talented Dark Technician and have a powerful ability. You're fit to be both your own technician and a pilot. It's a very rare combination that takes lots of hard work to develop. And you can't grow very much more on this desolate farmland anyway. You're at the age where you're only just beginning to blossom. We had planned to send you here eventually, but it looks like you might be going earlier than scheduled. So? How about it?"


Issac was silent under the gaze of his mother.

The Mantle. A place of cutthroat competition and fierce opposition. It contained the young elites of the entire three civilizations. For Issac to go from this farmland in the middle of nowhere to such a high profile place was nothing short of shocking.

But that begged another question. Why were Issac's parents, two highly successful and powerful people, running this farm in the first place? He was curious, so he asked.

"Mom, why are you guys here?"

"You mean why are we running some farm on a backwater planet? Actually, you're the reason, sweetie. We had you while we were still working for the SSC. Even after having you, we still fought for around a year. After that... well, let's just say something happened, and along with Cornelius, we got out. Cornelius set us up on this planet where we decided to focus on raising you and keep a low head. Neither of us wanted to go back, so we've been content with where we are."


Issac nodded at the vague explanation. Victoria swiped at the planet display in front of her, making it spin.

"Yea. Anyway, think about it. If you want to help Cornelius, then the prerequisite is that you go here first. Even if you went straight to him, it will be a long while until he actually makes his move. You have the time to go to the Mantle and still help him even while you're there. We talked to Cornelius about this and he said that if you went, then he would also send Anthony with you. Anthony isn't a technician, but he's an impressive pilot with high potential. If he wants to take his father's position in the future, he has much growing to do as well."


Issac hummed. At the same time, Victoria shut down the display and hit a button on the table. All the security measures were suddenly lifted, and Victoria ruffled her son's hair.

"Another thing. Remember that you don't speak of sensitive information out loud, only over secure channels. Think about everything, and send us a message if you have any questions. Now go get some rest."


With that, Issac bid his parents goodnight. After he went to his bedroom, Victoria and Max looked at each other, speaking over their own personal connection.

"What are we going to say about his ability?"

"Same as we always have. He can't expose that shadow of his. As for Hardlight... well, for now, he can't know its true nature. If he exposed that he not only has two abilities, but a potentially beyond strategic echelon, there's no telling what the SSC and other galactic militaries would do. Thankfully Hardlight isn't so easily seen through, and his shadow hasn't recovered enough to see its full potential. If his potential grows alongside his actual power, then that may very well save him. For now, we can only trust his tight lip."

Max pinched his nose, not feeling fantastic about this predicament. Victoria was also frowning.

She eventually closed her eyes.

"I'll talk to him when he decides. And when he does go, it'll also be time for us to leave this damned farmland. Talk to Cornelius in a few days and tell him to prepare a starship. I'll start scrapping the lab. It's about time we returned to our stomping grounds."

"Hehe, of course."

Max chuckled with a smile. With that, the night ended as big plans were made.


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