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Sending this warning out in advance. My finals week is next week, so I'm going to be stupid busy. 

The two posts prior to this are going to be the only ones for the week. I initially wanted to make up for last week of absence, but I don't know if that's happening, at least not right now. As for Origin Seeker, I'm going to try and get it out by tomorrow, Wednesday. 

I've got a few projects, plus my final tests to study for by next week. One of them is an accounting class, which I'm despising right now. At least I know I'll never be an accountant. 

But yea, I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to post next week either, let alone the days beyond tuesday of this week. So if I'm suddenly disappear, you guys know why. 

But hey, after next week, I'm good! I'll be done for the summer, and I'll be sure to make things up to you guys. 

In fact, as a way to make up for the week prior, I'll give a glimpse into the other stories I've worked on. 

The first is called Echelon, a futuristic mecha story with scientific powers. 

The second is a zombie RPG, inspired by a really bad novel called God and Devil World. It was one of the first web novels I read way back when, and at the time I had no standards, so I didn't realize how bad it was. Anyway, I still liked the concept and tried my hand at something similar but (hopefully) much better. 

I'll post the first 10 chapters of each on the weekend, so the upcoming Saturday or Sunday. Hope that gets everyone through the empty week. 

Look forward to it!


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