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First, I'll start with an apology. It feels like I've been apologizing a lot lately, but I do feel bad, so here I am again. 

Sorry all for not posting another OS chapter on Thursday. Chapter 292 is a bit of a longer one, and I had spent more time than I wanted figuring out its direction. If you haven't already noticed, we're entering the endgame in this story. I'm going to try and write the most suitable and fulfilling ending I can, while leading up to it with similarly suitable epic developments. I can't see this story ending until around chapter 330. We'll see how it goes.

Also, I know the past dozen chapters weren't exactly... quality, in terms of development and progression. Many have expressed their displeasure over on the public pages about our MC's new weakness, along with the lack of development for our MC wives. I sure haven't been pleased with my own performance either. I feel like there's way too much I skipped that, while not changing the course of the story, would have fleshed things out much better. For one, the ascension to godhood for our MC wives, and even their lives leading up to becoming class 6's and demigods. If I were to flesh out all three wives, then that could've been another 10-20 chapters strewn throughout the last 20 chapters. But I didn't. Things played out in my head correctly, but I just didn't put it down on paper. 

As for why... Well, I hate to say that it might be both laziness and burnout. Honestly, I'd prefer it to be laziness since I can usually push past that to some extent. But lately, I struggle to even write Serum, which I'm rather proud of. And in an attempt to get past possible burnout, I've started two other stories after developing pages and pages of worldbuilding and power system building. I've got about 20 chapters in each, and I think one of them is going to be the one I boot up after OS is done. 

Anyway... No new stories are being started, and I'm not going on a hiatus since that would just be lazy of me. At least, not until I finish OS. 

As for this post... Well, I guess it really is just another apology. And maybe a few excuses. For one, my track season just ended, though on a much crappier note than I would've liked. One bad day was all it took to lose my spot in state. Just a bit of anxiousness and three bad steps out of the blocks, and my race was decided. 

So when I write high stakes situations in my stories, just know it comes from experience!

School's also kicking my ass, but at least without track, I've got more time for it. Just glad to be holding on to an A still, but who knows when that will slip. 

Anyway, all excuses for why I'm not writing as much as I should be. All I can say is that I'm trying, and I'm going to give everyone my best. I sure don't like forcing out chapters and ruining the story for you all. 

I'm a big boy, so I guess I need to pull myself up by the bootstraps and write. I'll find inspiration somehow, and I'll let you all indulge in the fruits of my creativity. 

Anyway, here's Wonderwall: https://youtu.be/bx1Bh8ZvH84



Just take your time


New stories are always welcome!