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I'm getting rid of the Specialist Tier by the end of the month. I believe I have a single specialist, so this message is for you. (Plus a small update for my Seekers)

Tomorrow, Tuesday, I'm going to unlock the remaining chapters for the month. It'll be 4 chapters total, and from then on, you'll have until March 30th to read them all. I will delete the Tier on March 31st, the day before the new month. Just in case, be prepared to end your Specialist subscription manually if it doesn't do so automatically.

As for my Seekers, I may be creating a new Tier for even more advance chapters before April. It would only be for Serum and a small amount for OS (since I don't have that many backlogs for OS). If I decide to do so, there will be another update at least a couple days before the new month (April). If you guys are really interested in another advance Tier that'll give at least 15 more chapters, be sure to let me know. I'm still on the fence about it. 

That's it for my update. I already have tomorrow's chapters scheduled for 5pm PDT, so stay tuned. 




Thanks for giving us the options. If my tier (seeker) changes to less than what is currently being posted then I will just have to be patient and wait for the free stuff. Sorry but while I thoroughly enjoy your chapters they are far to short and far between for me to justify paying more. That and I just can't afford it. . Regardless of what happens though I wanted to say good luck as your writing has improved by leaps and bounds since chap one of os.


Be reassured that if I do add a tier, nothing is changing with the seeker tier. It'll just be another option for those that want more. For everything else, posting continues all the same :)

Lictor Magnus

I’d be down for more chapters. I do think your chapters are a good length and I appreciate how consistent you are in posting them.