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Hello all. Because I'm going to be going on a trip and may not have the time to post, I've decided to just post early. As for the public updates, I'm going to be testing out the automatic release functions, so we'll see how that goes. 

Also, I'm planning on getting rid of my lowest Tier for Patreon next month. This will affect a single person, to whom I apologize. 

Instead, I'm making plans to open another Tier. If I do open another one anytime soon, then only Serum will have advance chapters posted. I simply don't have enough of Origin Seeker to advance release more of. I hate to say, but I've been almost entirely focused on developing Serum's world for the past month or so, so much so that I have a shocking amount of backlogs and a heap of plans. It's getting to the point that I'm running through my OS backlogs. 

Maybe it's because of OS that I'm so motivated to develop Serum. I had written OS when I knew nothing about writing, so its foundation was garbage. The later chapters were merely a nice perfume to make up for the horrid stench of its past. But now with Serum, I know so much more. I have a solid foundation, a solid plot that's getting seriously expanded on in my latest drafts, and an exciting direction I never had with OS. It's quality writing, and I don't want to mess it up. And I'm really excited to be writing it myself. 

Anyway, that's basically the gist of why I've been slacking on OS. I keep drifting to Serum. But that doesn't mean OS is disappearing. I've always promised to finish it, and I'll do it with my continually developing skills. It's just that there likely won't be enough backlogs to open another Tier for it. 

Anyway, enjoy the early release. 

- Author



I truly hope os is finished. I truly enjoy it.