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It took two and a half hours to reach Hare’s Pass from the stronghold. And unfortunately, we didn’t find the last sensor until late in the day. We wouldn’t be making it back to base.

I wondered why they needed to collect those broken sensors so badly. If they were destroyed, then I didn’t see why they couldn’t let it waste away as scrap, or at least devote less time to trying to find them. 

But apparently, each sensor had an array of Authority 9 White Crystals within them. There were 6 crystals in each array, making them incredibly expensive. 

That’s when I wondered why the Scourge didn’t try and steal them. Pollux’s answer to that was vague since the technology was new and supposed to be secret. Even he didn’t know the interworkings of those arrays, but basically, when they activated, they were extraordinarily difficult to tamper with or steal. 

However, there was one clear weakness, and that was the sensor that housed the array. The enchanted device encasing the array was pretty easily broken, like how breaking a single connection on a circuit board would kill the entire thing. These sensors weren’t very durable, though easily replaceable. 

So the arrays were kept in place and reused, while the sensor devices around them were simply replaced to get them back online. It was a pretty cost effective system, though demanded a lot of manpower. 

When I asked how they worked in practice, Pollux waved me over to one. 

The sun was setting as we walked over to a planted sensor. I could see its intricately enchanted shell, but beside that, it just looked like a metal disk planted on a pole. 

He explained. 

“When anything with tainted Magika comes near this thing, aka a Scourge beast, this disk lets out a pulse that pings our maps back at base. It also uses all the nearby sensors to give us an image of where each sensor is in reference to each other, allowing us to know which sensor it was that sent the ping as well as generally where each sensor is on the map. The downside is that the pulse of mana it lets out alerts Scouts and sensitive monsters, so they like to come and attack these things. Well, when the array recieves damage, the disk lets out another pulse and shoots itself into the sky. It'll then hover there for a while and protect itself with a field before eventually falling back down. During that time, things like wind or avian monsters can move it from its position. So when it falls back down, it can be anywhere. We’ve had to drop down that cliff to retrieve some before. Thankfully these were all still in the area. Yet it took us a whole day to find them all.”

Pollux let out a long breath, making me bob my head. 

It seemed the arrays had their own protection mechanisms. They were interesting little machines and yet I couldn’t help but feel they were grossly inefficient. I felt like there was a much easier way to achieve the same thing. 

Not to mention that, despite taking 6 Authority 9 Crystals, they only covered the surrounding 5 miles of Hare’s Pass and Scythe’s Peak. All that power and they were hardly covering any significant square mileage. The only benefit to using so much power was that they could transmit from so far away without relying on anything. 

Still, grossly inefficient. 

But I suppose it did the job, and it wasn’t like it was an expense on my dime since I didn’t really pay taxes. Plus, I consider something else I hadn’t thought about for a while. 

The Crystals used in these arrays weren’t White Crystals. White Crystals were Crystals with completely purified Magika, wholly cleansed of the poison of the Scourge beasts it came from. Well, only the Church knew how to wholly purify a Crystal. That meant the Kingdom’s Crystals weren’t completely pure and thus less powerful, less efficient, more degrading on anything that used it. 

Perhaps that’s why they needed to use so much more. I couldn't know for sure, but that was my guess. 

I shrugged and watched as Pollux buried the sensor before retreating back to the Steed. 

All the squads were there, and Squads 1 and 3 were getting ready to do some recon. That was the only opportunity a Pathfinder got to go over Hare’s Pass. It was dangerous, so I wouldn’t be going even though I volunteered my services. All I had to do was stay on top of Shield hill and relay any communications from them with my Aerial. 

As for Squads 2 and 4, they were going to recon around Scythe's Peak. That involved going around the base and checking for any indications that there was Scourge activity. Apparently they had traps and such set up all around the Peak, along with some mini-sensors, so if they detected any hint of the poisonous Scourge, they’d know there was a need for some hunting in the area. 

Amary and I, along with two others, were to stay back and watch the cargo. 

All the squads boarded the four Steeds, Pollux jumping into one with his squads. 

“Alright Pathfinders. Meet back here within two hours, check in every 20 minutes, report any anomalies. You know the drill.”

“Yes sir!”

“Then let’s roll.”

Pollux ducked into a turret as all the Steeds spun off. Amary and I, plus our two chosen ones, were left behind with the two trucks and supplies. 

Amary and I went back to the top of Shield Hill. I had to be up there and Amary was my bodyguard, so she followed me everywhere. As for our two chosen ones, named Randal and Quinock, they got to chill in the trucks. 

The sun dipped below the mountains before the horizon, casting a nice glow on the place. Still, it was quickly getting dark. We wouldn’t be making it back to base tonight. 

Thankfully with my vision, even when it got dark, I could see as if it were daytime. Nothing would escape my sight, so long as it passed through it. 

The rest of the platoon quickly disappeared over the Pass and into the spare forest beyond. I could see them for a little while until they turned behind a mountain. However, one Steed was stationed on top of said mountain, maintaining a connection with me. 

“Squad 2 to Liaison, all is normal.”

“Copy Squad 2.”

I got a report from them, keeping the exchange short. I didn’t want to annoy them with overly professional chatter so I liked to keep things succinct. Besides, I had a feeling that’s how this platoon operated anyway. 

Amary suddenly asked. 

“You know, I haven’t heard you speak once, even though you click on your Aerial occasionally.”

“Oh. Yeah, I don’t have to actually talk into it. I can use it with my mind.”

“The hell? They do that?”

“Mine’s the only one that does. It’s made for summoners.”

“Oh. Still, must’ve been expensive.”


I just shrugged my shoulders. It wasn’t like I needed these people to know how much money I had nor about my connection to Sawn himself, so I didn’t continue the topic. 

Not long after the fist report from Squad 2 did I get the report from Pollux. After that I waited some more, doing a whole lot of nothing as nightfall started to chill the air. 

I rubbed my fingerless gloves together, feeling my fingers go numb. My hood also went on, so my face was spared some of the chill. However, when I saw my fingernails turn purple I started to think that I might need new gloves. 

Sorry Rayla. The cold didn’t care about style and I was not a fan of this finger numbing weather. 

For the time being, I sunk my hands under my coat where it was perfectly warm and toasty. After another 20 minutes I got another check-in from Squad 2 and 4. 

The check-in from Pollux was delayed. When 5 minutes passed, I reached out. 

“Liaison to Commander, status report.”


“Liaison to Commander, come in.”


No response, even though I could see the Steed still sitting on the hill in the distance. The people manning it were all looking away from me and down the hill. One of them had an Aerial in his hand, using it, but I wasn’t hearing anything. 

My eyes narrowed as I pinged Polly. 

“Liaison to Handler, come in.”

“...Go ahead Liaison.”

“Squad 1 and 3 are currently across Hare’s Pass with the Commander. I have line of sight to Squad 3 and their Steed but cannot establish communications with them.”

“Copy Liaison. That’s a Scout Troop causing that blockage. Not a concern unless you get signal flares. Stand by for now. What’s the status of Squad 2 and 4?”

“Still searching the back of Scythe’s Peak.”

“Tell them to halt their recon and stand by.”


I switched channels.

“Liaison to Squad 2 and 4, come in.”

“Copy Liaison.”

“Pause your reconnaissance and stand by. Contact with the Commander is blocked by a Scout Troop.”

“...Understood Liaison. Call us if we need to head back.”

I switched back the channels with that confirmation. However, just before I was going to check in with Polly, I saw three balls of white fire shoot up into the sky, popping like balloons in rapid succession, definitely not a normal combat spell. 

I recognized it. It was the signal flare. One meant all clear, two meant distress, and three meant retreat. 

I saw the Steed on the hill across the way start rolling down the hill. Amary also shot out of her seat beside me. 

Squad 2 rang. 

“Liaison, was that the retreat flare?”

“Affirmative, Squad 2. Suggest you head back.”

“On our way.”

With that order, I went back to Polly. 

“Handler, I just got a retreat flare.”

“Understood. Order Squads 2 and 4 to return and assist in the retreat.”

“Already done.”

“Good. I’m mobilizing the Snow Doves, but the Commander needs to personally give confirmation for their deployment. If you see a flashing red flare, immediately report it and get ready to run. Otherwise, prepare for a fight.”

“Copy Handler. Liaison out.”

I set down my Aerial and turned to Amary.

“What do you usually do in this situation?”

“Well, there’s no red flare, so we need to fight whatever’s coming our way. Where are Squads 2 and 4?”

“On their way.”

“Good. We’ll go down last.”


I nodded before standing up and keeping an eye on Squad 3’s Steed that had stopped at the bottom of the hill. 

Before long, I saw another Steed come flying around on the trail, the two turrets on it firing in rapid succession. Squad 3 joined them and started firing back as well. 

Their target? A small horde of spiked snow wolves, two Scouts, and a group of 8 creatures that looked a lot like mutated and zombified polar bears standing at least 12 feet tall. 

Pollux’s voice came over faintly.

“-ome in, Liaison!”

“Copy Commander. What’s the order?”

“We hold them from Shield Hill! Get everyone to the chokepoint next to it and dig in!”

“Copy. Squads 2 and 4 are on their way.”

Right as I said that, both the aforementioned Squads appeared from around Scythe’s Peak. I pinged them. 

“Squads 2 and 4, come in.”

“Copy Liaison.”

“Head straight for Shield Hill. We’re digging into the chokepoint.”

“Copy. Heading over.”

The two changed course from the Pass to the hill. They arrived at the bottom, where the trail started to wrap around it, and sat there. 

“Amary, go get those two trucks back behind the Steeds.”


She jumped down the hill, bounding over where our friends were already boarding the trucks, having realized what’s going on. They didn’t have an Aerial so I couldn’t talk directly to them. 

Amary led them back, and then, Pollux and Squads 1 and 3 started crossing the Pass. 

Amary arrived back at my side. 

“What now?”

“Now, I get to have a bit of fun.”

I brought out a Lewis gun and rested it on an outcropping, taking aim. 

I didn’t feel much of a threat from the horde. The bears were the most dangerous, but I didn’t think they were stronger than Pollux. The only issue was their numbers. Pollux probably just didn’t want his two squads to get overwhelmed and decided to gather everyone for a proper defensive. 

I could sense a collective Aura from everyone. It was the kind of thing most obviously felt from an army or siege, but my Aura was sharp enough to sense it from small groups now. From that I knew that we were actually collectively stronger than them, if we were brought together, of course. 

Pollux had good judgement even if he couldn’t sense the same thing. 

Their Steeds were faster than the horde, though not by too much. They crested the bridge before the horde and made it off. After that, I had clear line of sight. 

Then, I took the liberty to do what I did best. Without confirmation, I opened fire over the oncoming Steeds, sending fully empowered rounds toward the spearhead of spiked wolves. 

My aim wasn’t as previse but they were grouped enough or rounds to hit regularly. Mere seconds passed before the pan magazine went dry, though not before 9 wolves fell, either injured or fatally wounded. 

I quickly slammed in another magazine, unloading. At the same time, the turrets on the Steeds continued to fire, dropping explosive fireballs into the horde and adding to the rapidly increasing kill count. 

Another two pans went through my gun before Pollux made it back. He didn’t even have to give orders. As soon as they were no longer blocking line of sight, the other two Steeds started firing their turrets, while warlocks unleashed their own spells. The wolves were blown to smithereens before a single one could so much as lick the knights who stepped forward to defend. 

The bears were next. They didn’t stop even if all the wolves were dead or dying. I unloaded a pan into one of them but when I realized it wasn’t doing too much, I shifted my focus and let them clash with the rest of the Pathfinders. I also sent Amary down there to help since she got agitated just sitting around. 

So while they fought the bears, I turned to the Scouts. There were two, and they kept their distance by lingering on the Pass. 

I brought out the Garand, taking aim and immediately firing once I acquired one Scout. 

A bullet connected with a head, dropping one easily. And before the other could start running, I shot it too, the bullet goiing through the side of its head, a bit off center, but still enough to kill it. 

Now that I knew how these guns reacted to my empowerment, my aim felt much better. 

Just like that, the communications block was lifted, and Polly’s voice came in over my Aerial. To think those Scouts had both insane senses and area magic suppression. Thankfully they were still pitifully fragile. 

“-dler to Liaison. Come in Liaison. I repeat-”

“Liaison to Handler, I’m here. Scouts are dead.”

“Copy Liaison. What’s the situation?”

I walked over the the edge of the hill, looking down at the chokepoint. 

There, the bears were clashing with the knights, warlocks using spells to suppress them. Although the bears were towering, they were sustaining so much damage from everyone all at once that they could hardly catch their bearings. They were spinning around and swinging like they were swatting at flies, the knights surrounding and taking them down one by one. I couldn’t see a single casualty on our side. 

They were doing just fine. 

“Most of the horde was decimated, and the remnants are engaging the platoon. We’ll win this fight with what looks like no casualties. I’m watching from the side.”

“Understood. Remember the details because you’ll be giving me a mission debrief when you get back tomorrow. Write one down if you can’t remember. I’ll be a part of it though so don’t worry about doing it alone.”

“Copy. I’ll check in when the battle is over. We won’t be needing reinforcements either, so the Snow Doves can go back to sleep.”

“I’ll let them know. Handler out.”

I smiled a bit as Polly went quiet. Then, I raised a Garand and started firing on the bears, doing whatever I could to help bring them down. 

Before long, the last one was vanquished, and the Pathfinders emerged victorious. There were some cheers as I looked away and scanned the surroundings. 

I saw nothing alive and felt no danger. Looked like we were clear. 

“John! How’s it look up there?!”

Pollux yelled from below, his voice easily echoing up to me. I responded. 

“All enemies dead or dying! I killed the Scouts too!”

“Good! Can you confirm kills from up there?”

“Yes sir!”

“Then do that and come down! Everyone, pack up and get ready to head to camp!”

Pollux started handing out orders as I scoped in. I went and shot every wolf from the hill to the bridge, confirming kills before climbing down to my bike that Amary and I had parked halfway up the hill. 

I drove that down and met up with everyone, Pollux approaching when he saw me. 

“Good work, John. You’re proving to be a mighty fine addition to our platoon.”

“Just doing my job, sir.”

“Mm. Well, it’s time to head out. Grab your partner and follow along.”

“Yes sir.”

I saluted before finding Amary. While we waited for everyone to get situated, I also gave my final report to Polly. 

With that, we started riding off into the distance. 



Now this is the kind of fight I like to read. Enough to understand what's going on, but not a blow by blow slog.


Eh, good fight, but a little lacking in details for me, I like the nitty-gritty descriptions myself lol