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Hey guys! Sorry for the delay, I got food poisoning for a bit. (Im gonna blame it on those taquitos I bought on sale. Should have never trusted a 50% sale on it! XD ) Blazingcheeks gave me a bunch of graphics and I'm feeling well enough to assemble and code some rooms of the mirror world! So lots of pictures incoming!

For those of you who were fans of the giant Andy mirror clones, we're using them in this new design! The horny is staying intact!

They all have a place in this new 9 room mirror world.

This is room 4 in the mirror world, for reference!

This used to be the playground of a killer clown, but he's long since died.

(Is the clown being tormented in hell? Is there a special clown hell for bad clowns? Who knows.)

Once Blazingcheeks gives me the graphics for the other rooms I'll be able to assemble the whole place, and it'll be 100% playable!

3 dollar and up patrons! Look for a poll going up soon about the design of the casino level, its super important and will help influence the level's whole setup!


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