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As you may have heard, I've been hired to do the remake programming of the Japanese visual novel Management! I have been given the okay to post updates on that so in addition to Zap and Andy stuff, you'll be seeing muscle dudes like this in the future!

Currently I'm working on the timeline of events for Zap and Andy, as well as the base code for Management. See you guys on Thursday! :D




I hadn't heard of this game but this art intrigues me greatly, what's it about?


You're the manager for a bunch of jock sports stars and during your time as their manager lewd stuff happens!


(I don't know how to reply to a comment on mobile lmao so this will have to do) That sounds super nice! Where can I find it? Is there there english version?


There currently is not, but the remake I was hired to code WILL be in English! :) I'm not sure where you can find it at the moment but I will keep you updated on where to find the version I'm part of the development of!