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Heya folks! Me and Satyroom have been working on the background processes of Slime King! 

I've been working on coding the different machines and basic functions. (Yes the Mega Milker XXX is used for EXACTLY what you think it is!)

here's some sample face designs from Satyroom! I really like how his character generator handles facial hair!

Because the existing character designer has a LOT of trouble with facial hair...

I also wanna clarify a few things for 10 dollar patrons this month and also people on the fence about it. I've gotten some amazing ideas (And some really hot ones!) but also a few questions and I wanna answer them for all of you guys.

The NPCs you design can have a backstory, some simple actions they do, and as much dialogue as you want!

 I don't currently know if the character creator will have non-human type options, but if one you want is available I'll do it no problem! Otherwise I will work with you to make the human version of that character to your satisfaction.

If your idea requires more than one character, I'm willing to work with you on it as long as they're like a package deal.

I hope this helps you guys out, I've really loved the ideas ive gotten so far and look forward to doing more of you guys kinky ideas! :D

This Saturday and Sunday I am making the transition of moving across the country, so there will probably be a small update on Thursday and no update next Monday because I dunno if I'll have internet. Satyroom and 8Fold will be doing their part though, so there's still work being done even while I'm traveling! :)

I'll be back on Thursday with more stuff, I'll see you guys then!