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I've started coding enemy AI in Satyr's Paradise. Because it would make for bad gameplay to have enemies always be aware of the player in a game like this, I created a reusable circle of awareness for foes.

Normally its invisible but for testing purposes its purple. The awareness circle is an approximation of how close you can be to an enemy before they notice you, assuming you aren't firing your gun or walking over metal floors or something. When an enemy does become aware of you, most of the time their circle grows large enough to cover the entire room, but this poor saps doesn't change at all so I can test it from different angles.

With the circle of awareness working perfectly, I can move on to coding the next part of enemy AI, their individual routines! For instance, Pan is uniquely aware of you as long as you're in the same room as him, but his awareness circle still functions as a horny aura that slowly saps your strength!

I'll be back on Monday with some more stuff. 8Fold has been working on rooms so there's a good chance I'll have a few of those to show off then! :D


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