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Today I'm programming many of the items of Resident Evil: Code Erotica. Since I'm doing that I wanna go over the game and some of its differences from the mainline entries. (2$ patrons, your video is going up tomorrow, I wanna show off all the functions of the inventory!)

In addition to being extremely horny this game functions as a "what if" scenario. What if Umbrella Inc never collapsed? Maybe it's because Morpheus Duvall didn't murder all the investors on their fancy boat, or maybe their cleanup crew actually managed to contain the Raccoon City outbreak before a nuke was dropped on the place. However it happened, Umbrella stuck around.

Of course with their lead scientists gone (RE2's William Birkin still decided that the best cure for gunshot wounds was a virus that turned you into a blob man and also overwrote your brain.) and them using all of their funds to argue that the zombies and 8 foot tall gray men weren't their fault (Putting tiny logos of your company on their coat was a terrible idea.) Umbrella was in no shape to continue their work, and the long drawn out court case made the world VERY aware of bio organic weapons (BOWs) causing their sale to plummet.

They hired Edwin D. Huntsman, an infamous doctor of chemistry well known for two things: 

1. An obsession with virility and eternal life, believing the two to be linked.

2. Testing his experimental compounds on other professors back when he was allowed to teach chemistry.

You play as Buck Autumns, a journalist sneaking into Huntsman's headquarters based off a tip a trusted informant gave you. (The original plan was to have the game take place in the original Umbrella headquarters building, but once I started coming up with horny goofy puzzles like using your dick as a key it became clear that Dr. Huntsman needed his own stupid lair to facilitate all this nonsense.) Though his initial goal is to get evidence of Huntsman's misdeeds and take down Umbrella, his ultimate goal is to escape without becoming infected with the mysterious mutagenic compound called Paradise.

While the protagonists of RE games have actual firepower, Buck defends himself with a tranquilizer gun used to control BOWs that he finds inside Huntsman's headquarters. He can load it with different kinds of bullets, but anything defeated with them outside of bosses will eventually come back after enough time passes. This keeps a sense of urgency while also not interrupting your boner with gore. Is it worth using my last ten bullets to take out this guy? What if I need to slow Mr. X down to escape? That part of Resident Evil is still intact. Since you cannot completely clear an area of enemies you are always carrying all of your ammo. You can't be caught with nothing unless you completely run out of bullets.

Also intact is picking up gems, plants, and pieces of art that you find in the area and using them in your adventure. That part is pretty iconic!

Two things unique to this game are "Evidence" and "P-Coins".

Evidence consists of pictures and videos that Buck finds during his adventure. All evidence is horny, and is basically a bonus porn gallery that includes characters like Chris and Carlos. If you give evidence to The Wolfman, this game's version of the merchant, he'll make a copy of it (giving the original back to you) and give you some cash to buy items. This gives you two reasons to track evidence down!

P-Coins are old fancy looking coins you find by exploring. They're used in a special menu to purchase sex scenes you would see with enemies or bosses. One issue I've had with porn games is lining up the specific situations to get something to happen, or needing to intentionally lose to see a big portion of the goods. With this menu you can unlock those scenes to look at whenever you want without having to try absolutely everything.

Have any questions? Comments? Let me know, I love hearing from you guys! :D



I like it. Be aware of using names and brands though. RE is probably full of copyrights.


Holy shit this seems like a huge project, super excited !!!!!!!!!


I'm excited too, this is one of the most fun things I've ever worked on and development is going super fast! :D


If Capcom does give me a cease and desist then I'll just scrub the IP specific stuff away and modify the story to account for the lack of Umbrella. Glad you like it by the way! :)