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While Deadnet isn't going to be outrageously complicated (Don't wanna ask too much from the player in a horny game) it is going to have a few battle mechanics, so I wanna go over them with you guys.

(A mockup of how the battles could look)

For the most part, you are alone against groups of enemies. This doesn't mean the odds are stacked against you, far from it in fact.

None of your skills cost any MP, or mana, or anything like that.  Instead everything you do from using small items to casting a spell that defeats all enemies costs "Energy". While enemies only get a single turn each, you get as many as your energy will allow.

At the beginning of each turn you get a few points of energy. You don't have to use it all, you can save some for next turn. You can also rest for a turn and defend to raise your defense and gain a massive boost in energy next turn. This is similar to how defaulting in Bravely Default works.

Larger spells take more energy, more than you get back in a single turn which makes resting very important for clearing out huge mobs if you dont have access to their weaknesses.

There's gonna be more to it, but this is the basics we have ironed out. I hope you guys have a great night! :D


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