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When designing Deadnet we want to give the players a great experience and also a sense of progression, so the current design is to have the battles themselves be a standard RPG affair

...with some not so standard RPG enemies.

Meanwhile the overworld would be built out of blocks, from a level editor I code. This means if I get sick Meek can take over for a bit and set up rooms.

The game would play out like a metroidvania with RPG battles, finding means of progression in a massive connected map while going to a slower pace for the battles, because that's where the porn is gonna be. Giving the player the chance to take that all in is crucial!

The current plan for equipment is to use the badge system from the early Paper Marios, giving the player maximum control over their character.

I'll have more for you guys as these ideas bloom.

Before I go though: I'm currently thinking of moving posts to Monday and Thursday, with the 2 dollar post being somewhere in between those. My weekend schedule is pretty packed and juggling a lot at both ends is pretty stressful.

Until next time, enjoy your weekend everyone! :D 



I love pervy RPGs like this, looking forward to it.

Robert Smith

Badges are such a fun customisation system, I can't wait Xxx