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The rooms in Orc Heist look simple, but there's a lot going on under the hood!

This is what the player sees.

This is the code of the room itself, though it doesn't tell the full story.

Since words prefaced by $ (like $Drunk) are variables, you can store the URL of an image inside of them, but you have to tell it to do so beforehand.

What's the easiest way to do this? On the title screen!

The title screen itself is even more simple looking than a room, but...

It's actually got a lot of the game's code in it, all of the graphics and music are loaded on the title screen. Any time new images or sounds are used, I have to load them here, and then use the variable related to them where they're actually used.

You may have noticed one of the graphics being called spacer, and unlike the other files actually has its width declared. What does that mean?

$Spacer is a blank image that lets me put empty space wherever I need it to control how the screen looks. By changing width or height I can choose how much space is empty and where. That's how the room screen looks so neat.

As a final part of this post, I'm gonna give you guys a look at the first sex scene of the castle! Enjoy! :D



Hi Rick, I might be wrong but if I understand correctly you copy the status block as is in all the passages where you want to display it. If that's true you can save a lot of code and make it easier if you want to change it later if you put all that code in a different passage and include that passage in the other one. If you call it Status you can include in other passages with <>, and if you want to enable or disable things depending on the area you could set variables to enable/disable the buttons or where they point and have most of the code centralized in a single passage.


I hope you'll save a copy first in case it doesn't work as you expected so you don't have to redo everything again xD also the its < < display Status > > (without the spaces I don't know why that part of the comment disapeared)