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I'm gonna go over the things I plan to accomplish this month.

1. Zap and Andy: Have the base code for all three minigames that make up the first part of the circus completed.

While I don't have control over the graphical portion of this section, I can make sure that the underlying code of it is done and works smoothly. The ice cream game has its base code complete so that just leaves the fishing game and the shooting gallery game.

2. Orc Heist: Finish Castle Orcheim entirely.

This is gonna be the bulk of my work this month most likely, since Castle Orcheim is the largest area in the game, with more narrative than the previous ones. I'm assuming that I'll have it in a playable state by the 16th, when it'll be released for 10 dollar patrons. I'm expecting it to be 100% done by the 26th, when it will be released for all patrons.

3. Begin the code for the new project.

This one is the least urgent of the three goals. I expect to lay the groundwork for the next few months, but not make huge strides as the game is still in the concept phase. It will take over Orc Heist's share of the work time starting next month though.

I'll be back Friday with an update. Enjoy your week everyone! :D


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