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Hey folks! A data error caused me to lose some progress on Orc Heist, but I'm hard at work repairing what was lost.

My goal is to have all events in the first floor of Orcheim Castle playable by the end of the month, and have the entire level complete by the next.

10 dollar patrons will have access to the area first, followed by everyone else.

Once Orcheim Castle is complete I'm gonna take a break from Orc Heist for a little bit to focus on Zap and Andy, as well as as a new project that uses pieces and ideas from older stuff that others couldn't continue working on because of covid.

As an extra bonus I have some Z&A designs for you guys, potential customers for the ice cream minigame

The two top ones are demons who react poorly if you give them the wrong kind of ice cream. The green dudes are the unfortunate souls sent to hell. If you give them demonic ice cream they can't handle it and explode! (They'll be fine it happens.)

My roommate is moving to the other side of the country early next week so this weekend is gonna be hectic. If it becomes too much I might have to drop Tuesdays update and just do a huge one that Friday.

Either way, I hope you guys enjoy your weekend, and I'll see you soon! :D


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