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  • IceCreamGame1stTest.mp4



Feelin better enough to do a long update, so here we go!

I went to work on Orc Heist in anticipation of Zap and Andy work slowing down for a little while, but something really important came up that I had to do immediately.

Andy has completely lost his memories after falling into the Lethe River. With nothing about his life on Earth left, he's reverted to standard demon protocol.

Unfortunately for others, standard demon protocol in hell is to torture the damned one way or another. Picking up work at a local carnival he does things like serve treats, run games, and rescue humans who fall into the near endless Lethe River and fall victim to one of its giant horrors.

And you'll be controlling Andy during these adventures. Level 3 will open up with some minigames as Andy goes through his new daily routine.

Since level 3 has almost no programming carried over from levels 1 and 2 outside of the base, I'm taking the opportunity to try some new more wild and actiony things. Level 2 had the mushroom puzzle, but this is taking advantage of my better coding skills now.

The first one I tackled was the ice cream game, since it required a lot of randomization. You gotta randomize the customer's appearance and what ice cream they want, as well as whether or not they're a demon or a human. Demons get their favorite ice cream, humans get garbage.

That's hell for ya.

Right now it's just the base code and no graphics, but the base code for the game is complete!

(Me testing the base code of the ice cream game before graphics and UI elements are added, there will be a video version of this gif for those who can't see the gifs.)

Now that I've got a large chunk of code for the new level done, I'm gonna switch to working on Orc Heist for real! Somethin big can't come outta nowhere and surprise me! XD

You guys enjoy the next couple days, see you on Tuesday!
