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For those of you who can't run Zap and Andy, I have somethin for ya so you can still experience it! A video of me playing through it!


Quick warning: despite cutting it down to only required scenes and sex content, it's still over 40 minutes long and a honkin big file. 

I picked MP4 because it's pretty universal but if you can't run the vid lemme know and I'll figure something out for you. I want everyone to have a chance with this game in some form! :D

Enjoy your week everyone, see you next year!



Did I miss an update? When the boys are cursed and turned into toys I wasn’t able to speak to Zap with Andy (Andy saying he shouldn’t do that) or to switch with Zap neither


That was a side bug that came from me correcting something else. The newest build should let you switch to Zap just fine!