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Hey guys. I've been sick in bed the past few days, but I do wanna say that I'm still releasing a Zap and Andy demo this month. The demo is gonna cover everything from the beginning of the game up to the duo leaving the motel.

Since I'm not feeling too great, I'm gonna focus my energy on Zap and Andy and put Orc Heist to the side for now.

Though I do have a small update on that. Since I was requested to change the link color to something less difficult to see on the black background, I made it an orc skin green. Seems more fitting to me! :D

Since the notes screen is dark green, I also tested the new color on there. I can see it pretty well, but if anyone has any trouble with it lemme know and I'll try something else.

I'm gonna be back on Thursday with Zap and Andy for you guys, until then I'm gonna rest and focus on that game.

Have a good week everyone! :D



Get better and thank you!