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Hope this month has been great for you guys! I wanna go over what I expect to do next month.

Earlier this month my laptop fried, but since I built this new computer myself I don't expect the same thing to happen. This new computer is also MUCH more powerful, so things will happen a lot quicker now. For instance, I've been able to test the entire first section of Zap and Andy over the course of an afternoon!

Speaking of Zap and Andy, that's what I'm focusing on next month, dedicating at least 75% of my work time to it. My goal is to be completely done with this act by the end of next month, now that various disasters big and small aren't holding me back.

I'm still gonna work on Orc Heist of course, that's my way of giving you guys exclusive stuff to play on a regular basis, it just won't be my focus. My goal is to use the time to complete the island side area I've been working on.

I'll be touching base with you guys next Friday, I'll be taking Tuesday off from posting because I'll be celebrating my birthday!

Enjoy your week, stay safe and happy everyone! :D


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